Do you attract boys with your personality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do you attract boys with your personality?
Boys are 76% attracted to your personality! 76%
Awww! Boys are attracted to your personality! You are yourself around Boys and they love that! Boys daydream about being with you. (Whether you see it or not)
True... True.
puppals11 -
Boys are 54% attracted to your personality! 54%
Girl, you are crazy! Some boys like it, and some boys might not. While some boys are attracted to your crazy side, some boys may be a little annoyed by it.
Anoosha1 -
Boys are 43% attracted to your personality! 43%
Boys are attracted 50% to your looks and 50% personality. Your beautiful and you have a down-to-earth side that boys can't resist.
93% is crazy. Especially when I'm taking this quiz while considering every "boy" option as the equivalent of their gender opposites because I'm a guy.
RoisLol1 -
70%! :P That's 60% more than what I thought I'd get. I don't attract that many boys. It's nice to know that this quiz says otherwise.
Topaz1 -
Boys are 58% attracted to your personality! 58%
Girl, you are crazy! Some boys like it, and some boys might not. While some boys are attracted to your crazy side, some boys may be a little annoyed by it.
personality always mater i got 79% but i guess thats means whatever percent wasn't filled in i guess that boys find me physically attractive lol jk
des4life1 -
Wait actually? That's actually stupid
46%? What? 50% attracted to looks, 50% personality.
username1 -
60 something. I'm crazy? xD
I got crazy.
Yeah. As are most of my friends. I'm not shy but I'm not outgoing either.
SarahA1 -
89% wow! :) i'm flattered!
Wow, cool quiz
78% yeah, quite a few guys have asked me out lately.
86% no makeup!!! i hate make up:/
61% lol
64% xD
50% lol yeah I'm a bit shy
54 :/
smile231 -
73%! oh good :)
91% Wut know mofos :P Lmao but yeah I'm pretty good with guys
79% Ha!:D
85% Cool ;)
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