username's Profile

Joined on Nov 27, 2008
Status Level: Advanced
username's Quizzes
- I Know What Your Doing qiuz>>>[published: Jun 05, 2011, 5 comments]
I'm back dogs (aka Canis lupus familiaris) and now i must predict what you're doing to get around……
username's Recent Posts
"she knows what she means!"
"Does he look like a b----?"
"was this school pixie day or something"
"no more guides pls"
"dork that is offensive, you cannot use vulgar insults about someones family like that. #downwithmods #f---reptiles"
"Of what"
"tf2, insurgency, and sometimes dwarf fortress"
"Use the forgot password thing"
"and go to sleep"
"clinton just has this massive list of scandals though, and not the "I slept with a coworker" kind the "lizard overlord" kind."
"Would just seperate us. This only works with large sites."
"On your current account, can you see the offensive button?"
username's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got orange. what does crafty even mean?"
1 -
"of course im 1-18"
1 -
"white tiger, but i feel more of a connection to a wolf since im the fastest running at night, i run at my most energetic at night"
1 -
"Take my quiz! Type in do you like horses? Second one is mine."
1 -
"46%? What? 50% attracted to looks, 50% personality."
1 -
"Artistic! 90%
Yay!!! I'm so happy!!! Plus info art most of the time!!!"
1 -
"Oona and Molly where a tie!!! Yay!!!"
1 -
"Cool! So just basicly say we where playing a game and you lost? Maybe I shouldn't do anything to ask him out, my BFFs say to ask him at the…"
1 -
"Suck that from yo juicebox"
1 -
"Ha figured out ya account dudeXD"