How close are you to your friend? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How close are you to your friend?
WHAT THE HELL 65%?????!!!!!! This is my bestie we are talking about!
Man she is SO the first person to go for support we support each other in absolutely EVERYTHING she's not only a friend she's also an amazing family member who I'm very close with and love more than anyone(altho most times I can run things on my own and stand on my own feet thats not saying I don't want her by my side I won't have courage without her)
81% I'm pretty sure that I'm 95%. We've known each other since we were five, and we can tell each other anything, and even though we've had hard times ( really hard times ), she is my best friend and always will be. Even if she doesn't know it. I love you Alyssa!
Umm, no, it said that I am unlikely to go to her for help or advice but she would be the very first person I would go too!! She's always there for me every day... the percentage should have been much higher
Yooo2 -
81% That's about right. She can be mean when she's mad at somebody but usally when she cools off she is fine. And I can't trust her with any relationship secrets but she can ALWAYS tell when I'm lieing.
i got a 94 but i htink it should have been a hhundred cause i know everything about her from her fave resturaunt to her dominant eye, shoe size, hair length, height and we go everywhere together! the only reason that might have kept me from a hundred was shes hoomeschooled and im not so i dont see her daily :(
jeshaz981 -
76...... we are best friends basically sisters, we literally talk to each other about anything and she is my closest friend. I think that We are at least 85% close
85! Sounds accurate
My bestie is apparently only 93% !?!?!
We are WAY closer than that!!! -
Don't just say what you think is right about me or both of us!!!
Don't just say what you think is right about us
WHAT THE HELL 65%?????!!!!!! This is my bestie we are talking about!
slaygirl1 -
85% sounds about right!
crazybob1 -
77% may sound good i dont really trust my friend Katie but i trust My bestie!!!!! ALLISON!!! but i dont seem to know why i didnt do this quiz on her
Alex44651 -
50% huh? That's... kind of spot on. It makes me a little sad but it's life I guess.
Sals1 -
83%? that friend is actually my crush and people say were bestfriends.
sweet quiz ;)
zomgirl1 -
neat quiz :)
85%! right i don't know some casual things! but i do know her personnal secrates! she's the best!
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