crazybob's Profile
Joined on Dec 6, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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"boo man u"
crazybob's Recent Quiz Comments
"65% rubbish I have tuns of friends and buddies!! And loadsa ppl kno who I am! Although I am a yr 7 so all the otheer yrs ignore me! :("
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"Yayyy! Your Result: griffindor
You are very brave in the things you take pride in. You like to stand up to anything that is right.…"
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"I'm not wimpy!!"
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"Ha suckers I didn't read it, apparently i have The Inland North accent, I come from England and still live in england ??"
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"I got 70% I didnt know I knew so much although I ama a massive fan"
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"85% sounds about right!"