Are you a true twilight fan?

Are you a TRUE twilight fan. Sick of taking all those quizzes that mean nothing? Well ' Are you a true twilight fan' will expose to you the truth. Keep on taking it if you got a low score.

Are you a TRUE twilight fan? Or maybe you are just a person who watched a bit of the movie and liked Edward's hairstyle? This quiz will tell you the TRUTH!

Created by: yemil8

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many books are in the twilight series?
  2. Who is the first person bella speaks to in highschool on her first day (in the movie)
  3. The director of Eclipse is..
  4. What actress plays Roaslie in the movies...
  5. Edward drives...
  6. What is the last book called?
  7. Who tries to kill Bella in twilight?
  8. Charlie is a...
  9. The Cullens drink...
  10. Stephiene got the idea for twilight from..

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Quiz topic: Am I a true twilight fan?