From what are you broken hearted? | Comments

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  • You gut sacked from your job, you were stuck on the street with a sign to raise saying: 'Who cares anyway, I'm waiting for my castle in heaven' don't worry, things will come out good, anyway, you might find another job. Hee hee!

    Really? I've never had ajob. Yeah my hearts decided it didn't need to be held tgether anymore. But it had nothing to do with work.{which doesn't make much sense.} it's just ugh.....I don't know. Life is life. So I guess I'm gonna go suck it up and listen to music.

    @Carri04: No kidding. I'm nice to everyone and at first glance I'm an optimist{yeah...rig ht.} but still somehow people seem to think I'm a lame little kid. So WHAT if I like animals and couldn't do one thing to harm them. Not THEIR concern. They shouldn't tease me about it!{and now Im ranting to completely random strangers over the web. *cries softly.*}

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  • Your Result: You are broken hearted from family break up.

    Your mum and dad split up and both got succesful lives, they dumped you and your siblings if you've got any at an orphanage 'cause no one else could take care of you. At night you cry wishing they'd come back and smile and be happy like in your family portrait.

    Your are broken hearted from loneliness.
    You are broken hearted from an insult.

    You rare broken hearted from a recent failure.

    You are broken hearted from being fired.

    You are broken hearted from a recent break up.

    So true.. my parents got a divorce and the breakup thing.. i jusr broke up with my bf not longer than a month ago :[

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  • Your quiz results
    From what are you broken hearted?

    Your Result: Your are broken hearted from loneliness.


    You need to meet someone, you can't live life withought friends, you are probably some creepy cat lady or a ninety year old bald guy with liver spots that likes to throw markers at kids in the street and yell: 'Get off 'o' ma lawn' or else, you're just a nerd or a plain dead loser that no one cares about.

    53% You rare broken hearted from a recent failure.

    38% You are broken hearted from a recent break up.

    34% You are broken hearted from an insult.
    28% You are broken hearted from being fired.

    19% You are broken hearted from family break up.

    yay, how accurate. my aunt, uncle, cousin and cousin's girlfriend are abusive. yep, thats me. no one loves me...

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  • Your Result: You are broken hearted from a recent break up.


    You and your sweetie parted ways, or your pet died, or someone close to you went far away and won't come back for a very, very long time, don't worry, the world will change it's ways. =)

    71% You are broken hearted from family break up.

    58% Your are broken hearted from loneliness.
    31% You are broken hearted from an insult.
    28% You are broken hearted from being fired.

    28% You rare broken hearted from a recent failure.

    got it in one...

    • i have also lost so many things that i value over everything (pets) that i have become emmotionaly numb after my first gf broke up with me and that was the point where it became too much...

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  • Family break up,well sorta true I mean my parents are happily married but they do kinda mentally abused me a lot which hurts me a lot so I feel like I have no one to talk to them but it's whatever. Cool quiz anyways mate though.

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  • You are broken hearted from a recent break up.

    You and your sweetie parted ways, or your pet died, or someone close to you went far away and won't come back for a very, very long time, don't worry, the world will change it's ways. =)

    no its because of my bestfriend.

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  • Loneliness eh? Well not exactly true (but pretty close) I have some friends and people think I'm nice but no one really gives a damn how i feel and.....I just hope someone I know is reading this

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  • Your Result: You are broken hearted from family break up.

    Your mum and dad split up and both got succesful lives, they dumped you and your siblings if you've got any at an orphanage 'cause no one else could take care of you. At night you cry wishing they'd come back and smile and be happy like in your family portrait.

    OMFG!! thats so true! well, the mum and dad split up part lol they do take care of me, i just travel back and forth between the houses :3 awesome quiz, 10 stars ☺☺☺☺☺☺⠘ºâ˜ºâ˜º

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  • I got 'Fired' Eh, good quiz Roady! I like it :3

    Though I'm not an employee, I am a student. I got 'Fired' from Advanced Math and that kinda bummed me out I guess. :P


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  • Please join the STCLN(STOP TEDDY CHAIN LETTER NOW)! You may ask, how? Try to post this in the comments of every quiz you take. The Teddy thing is really stupid and it should stop. Don't believe it, and if you do then you should talk to somebody. You want to know who the creator was? Of course you do! STCLN was made by SunShine27! A wonderful and helpful user! Please support us! Your help will not go unnoticed!

    Since rely,
    STCLN and SunShine27

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  • you know the "stop teddy" letter i've seen more times than the actually "chain letter" what if the "stop teddy" letter is the chain? o.0

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  • ahem....this quiz was very accurate. family breakups and stuff. yeah my dad's "gone" and my mom's fighting wtih me...but yeah. this was a good quiz

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  • I'm reading this.

    I like music
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  • This just made me feel worse.

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  • its not a resent failure my whole life is a failure!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • yay..... i take a quiz and i get called a nerd, a loser, a crazy cat lady, and an old man w/ liver spots....... thanks....

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  • Im not fired!!

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  • heck when you said it that way it feels good XD

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