kodoji's Profile

Joined on Jun 17, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
kodoji's Quizzes
No quizzes added yet!
kodoji's Recent Posts
"or in this cases i deleted my orange infinity pic and needed off this acct :D lol."
"i have about ten...but i only use them when i'm working on a quiz..."
"this dude has no quizzes to log out with.....weres the other (not kodoji) buttoin?"
"0.0 you don't believe me ork?"
"....uh....it's me...slim....i am slim.... vampgirl=skinnygirl bad azz ILM=roady se it is me :D i'm just trying"
"hey roady....whats up..you took the staying up in your room idea to far?"
"....*sigh* i can't stay away from this place.....i didn't even make it one freakin hour let alone a week... ;d oh wel... "
":D niiice niice "
"ahhhhh i se! but what did you see?"
".......i NEVER see those pictures...."
"ahhhh sis of azazel is the witch here...read me quick so i can feel it..."
"is that a flaming moon or an eye? "
"did i do it biance? yu feel anything?"
"how do you do it?"
"weird....strange....gory...this sounds familiar...."
kodoji's Recent Quiz Comments
"you know the "stop teddy" letter i've seen more times than the actually "chain letter" what if the "stop teddy" letter is the chain? o.0"
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"i hope this quiz gets to new quizzes "
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"pretty cool...iu got master (he salutes me) lol"
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