TaliaBEth1234's Profile
Joined on Jul 26, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
TaliaBEth1234's Quizzes
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TaliaBEth1234's Recent Posts
"Wait people actually play muggle quittich? AWESOME!"
"Im in my school's chess club.{err...does it count as a club when only one other person is there?}"
"*raises hand* Raise your hand if.... you have a pet."
"Hey, guys. I wouldn't be that bad at it. Heck if I'm in a restraint and I have choices I usually go for a sald or vegtable plate{which is wh..."
"*raises hand* If I had enough room to do so, I would. I was literally sobbing last night because Ifeel guilty about eating meat. @Te"
TaliaBEth1234's Recent Quiz Comments
"u can become, or are already, a vegetarian. This is good, because you feel so much better, and you lose weight.. also, if you don't eat…"
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"You are not even close to funny. but if you are. sorry for the mistake. but if you arent funny you really need some new material.…"
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"I just took this for fun, kid. So..good luck with finding someone but it won't be me. I have enough things going on."
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"It sounds gross, right? If you ask anyone who loves this pizza they will tell you it sounded disgusting before they tried some. As it…"
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"Thanks for apprectating animal's beauty and all their love they gave you. You are really good at this testing stuff. I love the way you…"
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"Wow! Intelligent, industrious and logical should be amongst your traits. You will reach your goals easily if you think about whhat is…"
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"You answered really wierdly, and i really do not know how to describe you... mybe you should eat cheese, or you should learn to speak…"
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"You have some high vegetarian tendencies! Give it some time.. You'll come over to the dark side. (and by dark side, I mean non animal…"
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"Maybe you are too young to be allowed to choose to be a vegetarian? or maybe you just don't want to be fully. Whichever, and why.. I…"
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" 82%
You are all about the peace, love, and the natural herb man. There is no fasade here. You are true to what you wear and how…"