You will never be sad again
Thread Topic: You will never be sad again
"you're the definition of naive. You believe the world can be better. It won't get any better than it is now though. There's too much bad." Alexander said
"that's not true." Finn said, they started to bite their nail. "you just have to be positive, that's all."
"you can be as positive as ya want and nothin will change. There's too many jerks for the world to get better. All you positive and naive people are wasting your time." Alexander said
finn fiddled with their fingers, not knowing what to say.
"anyways, what else do you want kid? I can't exactly do much without a wish. I can't even move by myself. God what I wouldn't do for a little autonomy." Alexander said as he looked back at his feet angrily. The box was just like solitary confinement in a prison.
"I'm not sure, I'm never thinking about what I want much" Finn looked at the gold box, thinking about what to wish for. he looked down at his tattered boots and instantly realized they were falling apart "I could do with some new shoes, I cant really think of much things"
"Hmm, granted." Alexander said, neatly snapping his fingers as a new pair of shoes appeared on Finn's feet. They were a futuristic pair of sneakers that would be easy to run in. "Wow, wait, what sort of shoe is that? I've never seen one that looks like that. Why do they have ropes?" Alexander asked, absolutely puzzled by the shoe he'd conjured
"oh, they're shoelaces and they. hold each side together, to fit on your foot." Finn thought back "how long were you even in that box?" he knew shoelaces had been around for a long while
"a while. I had a long time to wonder how long I was in the box but it's kind of hard to tell when there's no change in your day to day life. I ran out of room for tally marks." Alexander said as he glared at the box.
"Oh, how big is it inside?" Finn asked, looking down on it. "does like stay the same or enlarge somehow?"
"it's bigger inside but it's empty and uncomfortably bright. It's like someone shining a flashlight in your face all day." Alexander said blinking his eyes which had adjusted to the gentler light of the outside far earlier
"I hate bright lights, especially when they're in my face"
"you and me both kid. Lights get you caught and hurt your eyes. Sunlight is a different story thought. Some of my best memories were made in the sunlight." Alexander said.
"sunlight's nice. what kind of memories did you make?" finn kind of felt bad for intruding.
"nothin big. When the sun was risin each day I'd head home and elra and jack would be waitin outside for me. Marco would run out and jump on me, wagging his tail like always. Me and my group would walk inside to a meal and we'd share grand stories. A got a lot of fishing memories too." Alexander said, crossing his arms as he remembered back
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