You will never be sad again
Thread Topic: You will never be sad again
"oh, we're a longways from that." he said, awed. then it finally clicked and they looked at the strange man "630720000 seconds? you've been counting?" Finn was great at math and they were instantly able to recognize that it had been about 20 years. "I've never heard of ou. you know its been 20 years? also, your name cant really be 'the king of death', what's your name?" Finn was awed at this strange floating person but didn't detect himself rambling on and asking tons of questions.
"I started counting after way too long in this stupid box." Alexander said as he kicked his foot. The golden box rattled. Alexander continued "I told you, my name. It's Alexander therindas. However, everyone under the sun calls me by my nickname, the king of death." Alexander flexed and illusory flames shot out of the box. "I'm famous all throughout the kingdoms at this point. They wrote a ballad about me." Alexander said
"nope, i dont know you. what.. hapenned?" he said, gesturing to the box. "how'd you earn that name..?" they looked at him, considering wther or not he should run.
"well, I guess you get to hear a little story. I was once a human like you. I was born to a Young woman named almira, then I was abandoned by her and dropped off in a dirt poor little village in the middle of nowhere with my even younger brother. The villagers raised us and in turn I decided to pay them back for their kindness, by robbing the neighboring town blind. I almost got everything till I was caught by some old guy. I was too far gone in the stealing at that point though, so I did what any guy would do. I shot him and ran. It was then I realized how much easier it was to steal when I could kill the opposition, so I started killing anyone trying to stop me. Eventually a ton of crooks found out and they liked my moxie. They tried to invite me into their silly little gang but I showed them who was boss! Those crooks all joined me!" Alexander gloated
"you never felt guilty?" Flinn asked, wondering if they were the only thief that felt that way, if there was something wrong with them. he avoided eye contact as his expression faded into sad thought. "like, you've never wondered what you hurt? how your action could have changed the life of someone in such a way that..." he stopped, still looking at the floor.
"oh geez, no. If you feel bad for robbing people you're in the wrong damn business. How'd a shrimp like you even become a thief? You're not very good at it." Alexander said, staring at Finn. He seemed a bit pathetic and weak. It reminded him of someone. He kicked his foot again and the box rattled again. Alexander poked the top of Finn's head to get him to look up.
Finn looked at him " I was born into it, my family was a group of bandits, I hated it though, evidently. and one day, after their biggest heist, they got caught. I just ran, and I had to steal to survive." they were a little hurt being called shrimp, but continued. "I still kind of miss my sisters, y'know?" he knew that Alexander didn't know, but it still hurt.
"that's deplorable. If you're a family you keep your family out of thievin'. Even I knew that. I get it kid. There's a reason I kept count of the time in this damn box. I gotta tell everyone that I didn't run away. Especially jack." Alexander said, getting lost in his own thoughts. He couldn't wait until he was out of this stupid box for one reason. He had to talk to his little brother again no matter what it takes. Alexander scoffed as he looked at the box and kicked his feet again, causing rattling once more
"who's jack?" Flinn asked, he was a little curious to know if there was more to Alexander.
"jack? He's... He's none of your business kid. Anyways. What's your name? I should know the name of the kid I gotta grant wishes to for the rest of my rotten eternity." Alexander said, crossing his arms again grumpily. He was many things but he was never a sellout. This kid seemed pathetic but even pathetic people could call the police on a village that harbors thieves.
"My name is Finn." they said, grinning. maybe he wasn't going to be so lonely, even if their company wasn't that pleasant. "not eternity, I'm pretty sure ill be dead by then." he wasn't aware how non-amusing his 'joke would be, but they still grinned. Finn kicked a rock, and thought a little more.
"I don't know. Maybe you'll wish to be immortal or something. If you do that I'll get you trapped in a box like this okay? Either way, good to meet you Finn." Alexander said, looking at Finn. The kid was way too scrawny to be a professional thief. He frowned. Finn was just scrawny and young enough to remind him of Jack. Neither of them were criminal material.
"not entirely sure i would want my own box." he said. then they continued to smile. "nice to meet you too." Finn kept thinking about the statement of Jack. "I don't know what to wish for, honestly.
"you can wish for anything. I know what I'd wish for personally but currently I can see a few things you need. When was the last time you ate kid? You're tiny. My village sin eater was bulkier then you are. How do you even have the energy to walk?" Alexander said, inspecting Finn carefully. He poked Finn in the arm and shook his head. Hungry people needed more than some rotten apple
Finn pulled his arm back instinctively, shuffling his feet a little. "you get used to it, I honestly don't know what its like not to be hungry." Finn touched their fingers to their chin. "I don't really think about things I need, if I'm being honest." he looked to Alexander, quizzical "what would you wish for?"
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