Random roleplay
Thread Topic: Random roleplay
(that's great lol)
(awesome thanks! so i took the liberty of drawing up a few maps so we can build up some kind of conflict for this story!
it seems like the area y'all chose for astrid and metus' pack is very mountainous which is great for defense. however, the lack of plains also means lack of wildlife. which means realistically the wolves of your tribe would have to rely more on fishing to eat. also, you guys have slightly more access to the west river which is something i think the packs can fight over
as for cheyenne's tribe (blood moon pack), her area seems to have plains on the outskirts with mountains in the middle. plus side to the area is the amount of water sources she gets. plus more variety of wildlife to eat. however, intruders could drive her forces up to the central mountains if they try hard enough
lastly, i've decided to give both packs a few allies each who all have their own interest in the west river)
map 1: territories and allies
map 2: natural resources for both packs -
(i'd also like to make a suggestion that each packs' allies are not publicly known to each other, but rather these are all emerging packs who are trying to come out on top and forming new alliances. yaknow cause this is the beginning of the story
we can reveal this info to each other later ic if you would like)
Ah, for once Metus wants to speak clearly. Cheyenne thinks to herself as she steals a quick glance in his direction, then looks back to Astrid. The alpha pauses to reflect on her options. She contemplates the extent to which she can reveal the truth. If given the opportunity, she would seize control of their entire domain for her own benefit. As she navigates this intricate interplay between honesty and deception, she strives to formulate an appropriate reply.
Cheyenne gives a considerable effort to replicate the appearance of concern through her facial expressions. Her fluffy white ears ears droop slightly, framing her face, and her eyebrows arch upward, creating a look of distress. Additionally, her lower lip protrudes, further enhancing the impression of worry she aims to convey. She swallows once before sliding a drawer open and producing a map with trembling fingers. The map is rather dirty, crumpled, and has small tears on the corner.
"Alright then... I think you should know you'll soon be under attack." There's no way either one of them could ignore a warning like this. She takes a marker, marking the West River, both of their respective packs, and the territories of Dirty Shirt & Ruby. "I have reason to believe these two tribes will soon be making a run for the river, but not before they take Hunter's Creek in your territory. If they can connect Hunter's Creek to the river, they can take that path all the way back to Grouse Creek in their own territory."
Of course that's their plan. Cheyenne knows every detail of it, as Dirty Shirt & Ruby are already her allies... for now. She uses two fingers to flip the map's direction so that it could face both Astrid and Metus. "And we're neighbors, right? I can't just watch as two teams try to take you down at once. With two against two, there will be better odds at driving them back home." Her finger traces along the water routes connecting all of the territories together... then she thoughtfully drags it down to a small piece of land, just northwest of Walker's Prairie. "And in return... do you see this piece of land where our supposed territories intersect? If you can let my pack have this bit of land, we can help you guard the plains and better your defense. What do you say?" -
Astrids dark brown ears fold back with a moment of worry, biting her lip as she looked at the map, she quickly returned her ears to the same poised position in which they were regularly held, with her other hand, she put the pen back in her pocket and reached for Metus's hand without making eye contact, letting it rest on her shoulder. she then closed her eyes and sighed, she didn't trust Cheyenne. she was a very tricky wolf. but she needed to do something. "i-i dont-" she caught herself, bringing more confidence into her voice "I think that's okay.." she looked at metus, hoping that he was on board with it as well, she knew they would most likely, but she wanted to be sure.
Metus glared at Cheyenne. This demeanour shift was very sketchy to him. He couldn't deny though, that this was a pressing matter. "This seems reasonable for now. Plus it would be a pity to waste our time here while we still need to prepare for this supposed attack." Metus said, eyeing the map. They would have to tell their allies about this move towards the river. Metus wished they could've been weaving nets right now instead of looking at this suspicious alpha. They wished they could've brought their carving knife.
Cheyenne settles back into her chair, a gentle smile of contentment gracing her lips. She's astonished at how effortlessly her negotiation skills yielded results. It almost felt all too easy. Are these two truly her competitors? Did they not have the courage to question where she received this information, or did it all just fly by their heads? If these two paid so little attention to detail, heck, social cues, how attentive were they towards the affairs of their pack? The thought of such a victory basically handed to her on a silver platter sends a rush of giddiness down Cheyenne's spine. Now's the time to get them out of there as soon as possible before they can refute anything, or before she can blow her lid with excitement.
"Why of course.. It'd be best to head back and prepare as soon as you can. In the meantime, I can send some of my own out to Camas Valley* to patrol the area. If those two packs follow the path of the creek, I predict they'll be coming in from the north." She decides to sprinkle a little 'hint' in there.
Cheyenne grasps a tiny bell, ringing it gently. This silver trinket, no larger than a human thumb, produces a delightful chime that resonates softly, leaving a lingering buzz in the air. Without skipping a beat, Adrianna strides through the doorway, her fingers wrapped firmly around the intricately carved golden handle. She holds open the imposing cedar door for Astrid and Metus, which looms tall and hefty before her, with one outstretched arm as to lead them out. -
(*Camas Valley is the name of that "intersecting area" on the original map)
As Astrid got up to walk out, she felt doubt in her skills as an alpha female. when she walked out the door, the slight click of her short black heels echoed through. it didn't hit her until after they were out of the door that it was rather strange that Cheyenne knew these things, but decided to brush it off and question the ally-ship at a more appropriate time, away from Cheyenne and her territory. she knew it was possible Cheyenne had spies, but she decided not to think about it, and just be wary. when they were out of hearing range, she groaned. she was very tired despite the coffee, and she wanted to go home and sleep, especially because she knew she couldn't, and had to prepare.
Before leaving, Metus kicked the desk. He framed it as an accident, but it was very intentional. It knocked over everything on the desk, scattering pens and sending the earlier chessboard into disarray. "Sorry" Metus mumbled as he rushed out. They jogged up to Astrid without looking back. "now that we're out of that stuffy office, I need to talk to you." Metus said to Astrid. They had completely lost the stoney demeanour they'd put up just seconds ago. "I could tell there was something up, but I couldn't figure it out. Did you see the total fake out she did." Metus said, as they wrung their hands
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