Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender wasn't expecting him to pop out, and jumped slightly. "Hi Basil." She chuckled nervously.
Basil waved. ‘Hello, Maeve and blond girl! What are you looking for today?’
‘Just browsing. Maybe something to prank Chester with.’
‘He won’t be happy with that.’
‘Pfft, that’s the point.’
‘Whatever you say, your highness. Just don’t break anything. Unless it’s on purpose.’
Maeve dragged Lavender to one of the shelves. -
(I love how Lavender is literally just 'that one blond girl' in everyone's mind)
Lavender quickly followed her. "Quit dragging me around!" She giggled. -
(Lmao fr
And all of everyone being like “why is the Jackson family so into blonds”)
‘Then walk faster!’ Maeve grinned. She got on her tiptoes and picked up a jar of upon closer inspection, some of them had coloured smoke swirling inside, or some kind of light. -
(REAL including us-)
"I'm trying!" Lavender looked at the jar. "Ooo, pretty. What's it for?" -
‘It’s like magic, but less. Y’know how most people here have, like, cool supernatural abilities? The stupid humans are moving in, but, like 80% of us have magic. Sometimes it skips a generation or your baby doesn’t get it, but they still get a special gene, which lets them collect or create small amounts of magic, stuff it in a jar, and sell.’ -
"That's really cool." Lavender grinned. "Humans aren't stupid, but I'm going to ignore the fact that you said that."
‘You are. Aaaanyway, you open the jar, and it’ll do something. Chester and I used to play this game where we’d pick a number, count down the shelves, and open the jar without reading the label.’
Lavender grinned. "Lets do that." She said the second Maeve stopped talking.
Maeve grinned. ‘Okay, I’ll go first. Give me a number.’
Maeve ran to the front of the store and counted along the first shelf. She jumped up and grabbed the jar. It had purple smoke in it.
Lavender ran after her with a smile.
Maeve grinned. ‘Okay, 1, 2, 3..’ She popped open the jar. The smoke flew up, smacked into Maeve’s face, and turned her hair purple.
Lavender burst into laughter.
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