Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
(Asdfdksojwbd ok lol)
Maeve smiled and walked out, tugging her along. -
Lavender followed, giggling.
Maeve walked down the street, still holding her hand.
Lavender walked closer to her with a grin.
Maeve giggled, letting her.
"Now can you tell me where we're going?" Lavender asked in an are-we-there yet tone because she's impatient.
'We're almost there,' Maeve giggled.
"Good." Lavender grinned.
Maeve kissed her nose.
Lavender blushed, leaning into her.
Maeve grinned. They got to a small, run down shop squished between too larger buildings. The paint was faded and cracked, and the sign read “Lucky’s M gic Shnp”. The A had been blocked by graffiti and the O had faded at the bottom.
Lavender looked at the shop. It wasn't exactly what she expected, but then again, she wasn't quite sure what she expected. "Oh... cool."
‘C’mon, you’ll love it.’ Maeve opened the door and walked inside. A bell tinkled as she did so. Lining the walls were jars. Lots of jars. Just shelves upon shelves with jars that were labelled in scrawly writing.
Lavender stayed close to her, looking at all of the jars curiously.
A man who looked eerily similar to Oliver, except with a white streak in his hair, big glasses, and a gap between his teeth popped up from behind the counter.
Maeve grinned. ‘This is Basil!’
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