Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender shrugged. She admittedly knew next to nothing about Maeve's kingdom. "Literally anything. I don't mind."
Maeve tried to think, snuggling closer.
Lavender held her close.
Maeve looked up at her. ‘I have an idea.’
Lavender beamed, sitting up. "What is it?"
Maeve sat up too, grinning and standing up. ‘You’ll see! C’mon!’
Lavender chuckled, standing up next to her. "Just tell me!"
‘Nope!’ Maeve grabbed her hand.
Lavender groaned, though she didn't mind at all.
Maeve grinned and tugged her to the door. ‘C’moooon.’
Lavender followed her, giggling. "I'm coming, relax!"
Maeve grinned and ran down the stairs.
Lavender followed close behind.
Maeve walked to the front of the castle (I think they’re in the castle I forgor).
(nah they're in lavenders room but we can say Maeve teleported to her castle while they walked or something)
Lavender followed, opening the door for her.
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