Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"Oh, cool." Lavender grinned.
Maeve gazed into her eyes for a few more seconds. 'You're so pretty~'
Lavender blushed even more, beaming. "Thanks~" She mumbled happily.
‘You’re very welcome, pretty person~’
Lavender smiled and looked down, seeming very flustered. "It's your turn now. 25."
Maeve giggled and stood up straight, counting the jars. She grabbed one with pink sparks.
Lavender looked back up at her once she picked up the jar.
Maeve popped it open.
(Agh it sent before I was ready)
Maeve popped it open. It created a mini thunderstorm above her head. -
(lol alg)
"Woah." Lavender chuckled, reaching up to touch the cloud. -
It started raining. Maeve tried to jump out of the way, but it followed her. Basil looked up. ‘Not in the shop!’
"C'mon, lets go outside for a bit." Lavender giggled, taking her hand and dragging her out.
Maeve huffed and walked out, getting soaked.
‘Once it wears off, you’re coming back to clean this up!’ Basil called after them. -
Lavender raised her hands above Maeve's head to try and stop her from getting soaked.
Maeve let her, sighing dramatically.
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