Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
"That's ridiculous. What happened?"
‘Nobody wants to invest because my machines always “end up exploding”. Whatever that means,’ Vincent said, using finger quotes.
"Well, tell them that this one doesn't, and that they'll end up regretting not investing sooner once it becomes a household name."
‘I’ve said that for 5 of my past inventions that ended up exploding.’
"Well... tell them you've reinforced the steel so it's unexplodable."
‘It could implode.’
"It's unimplodable too."
Sebastian chuckled. "Just lie to them and get a good lawyer."
‘I’m not going to lie to them!’
"Why not?"
(gtg for like an hourish) -
(Oki doki)
‘Because that’s dishonest!’ -
"But it'd work!"
‘I don’t think so..’
Sebastian shrugged. "Alright, whatever."
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