Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Vincent looked for investors.
Sebastian was sketching out the wires and writing what Barbara did.
Vincent called a few of the companies that he’d previously worked with. They all declined because his machines always “ended in disaster” and he was “too flamboyant and immature”. Whatever that meant.
Sebastian finished his sketch, and looked up to see Albert glaring at him. "Well, hello to you too."
‘What are you doing?’
‘And when are you planning on leaving with this drawing?’
"I'm going to send it out to them tomorrow, and then quit shortly after, so I won't be enduring you for much longer."
Albert glared. ‘You’re a bad person.’
"And you're not a person at all, so I don't think you should be judging."
Albert clanked away.
Sebastian wrote his name on the top of the page about Barbara and walked upstairs.
Vincent’s head thumped against his desk.
Sebastian heard it. He frowned and walked in. "You alright?"
Vincent groaned. ‘Nobody likes me!’
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