Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian was working quickly at this point, holding Albert still with one hand and one of his legs as he worked. "You'll disagree in a few minutes."
Albert squirmed, trying to kick at Sebastian. ‘I swear to god-‘
Sebastian grabbed a wrench and flipped it around in his hands. "Any last words?"
‘You’ll regret this Sebastian. Vincent is going to find out and he’ll hate you.’
"That's pretty good, actually. I'll write it on a fortune cookie one day." He started using the wrench on the inside of his head, accessing the wires and some small buttons.
Albert tried to struggle, but as Sebastian messed with the wires and buttons, he went still.
Sebastian smiled, looking through each of the wires and buttons. He rearranged some of the wires, flipped a switch, pressed a button, and screwed it back in. "Alright Albert 2.0. How you feeling?" He hoped it worked, and he was more agreeable towards him and less 'if you hurt Vincent I'll tear you apart'.
Albert turned around and looked at Sebastian. ‘I’m feeling good.’
Sebastian grinned. "Perfect. You wouldn't mind if I stay working here, would you?"
‘Of course not, Sebastian,’ Albert answered.
Sebastian smiled. "Great!" He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the door open for Albert.
Albert clanked out of the room and down the stairs. Vincent’s face brightened when he saw him. ‘Finally, Albert! I was getting worried!’
Sebastian walked down the stairs after a bit.
‘No need to be worried, Master.’
‘Great -
‘Great! Come over here and grab me a couple of screws, then.’*
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