Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Vincent walked to the front room.
Sebastian followed, opening the door for him.
Vincent smiled and walked out. He looked up at the sun, then at Sebastian.
Sebastian gave a small wave, following him.
Vincent walked down the street. He lived on the outskirts of the city, so the walk to stores were longer.
Sebastian tried to keep up with his pace, since Vincent is a fast walker.
Vincent pat his head. ‘Once Barbara is finished, I should promote you.’
Sebastian frowned before covering it with a smile quickly. "Oh?"
‘I mean, you’ve been a pretty good apprentice. There’s obviously still room for improvement, but you’re great with wires and programming. We just have to get you more accustomed to practical work, like the actual building, but you’d pick it up quickly.’
"Oh. Well, thank you."
Vincent smiled. ‘You’re very welcome. What’s next up from apprentice, do you think?’
Sebastian shrugged. "Someone who actually gets paid." They suggested jokingly.
‘… Fair. I mean, you could get a portion of our earnings from Barbara…’ Vincent said thoughtfully.
"It was just a joke, you don't have to actually do anything." Sebastian said quickly. Taking his inventions was bad enough, he didn't need his conscience yelling at him over taking Vincents' money too.
‘I mean, you obviously wouldn’t need a fortune, since I’m assuming you’ll be fine with staying at my place, and I figured out how to legally evade taxes years ago.’
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