Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian stood taller, not liking being pat on the head. It made them feel even shorter.
Vincent grinned. ‘You’re short.’
"Am not!"
Sebastian huffed.
Vincent grinned. He sat on the banister and slid down to the ground floor.
Sebastian ran after him.
Vincent jumped onto the ground.
Sebastian jumped on it shortly after.
Vincent pat his head and walked into the kitchen.
Sebastian followed, rolling his eyes.
Vincent grinned. Albert had put out some toast for them. ‘We’re going out into the village for wires,’ Vincent said.
Albert nodded, gears grinding as he did. "Okay." Sebastian took a piece of toast.
Vincent grabbed a piece of toast, sniffed it, then took a small bite. ‘Come, we can eat while we walk.’
Sebastian nodded, following.
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