We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Caleb blushed.
Richard chuckled.
Caleb grinned.
Richard booped his nose.
Caleb blushed.
Richard chuckled.
Caleb beamed.
Richard leaned into him.
(might disappear a bit to talk to Nico bc yes) -
(I’m multitasking between texting Allira and playing adopt me bc yes so you’re all good lmao)
Caleb snuggled close. -
(TAkE cArE oF uR bEE)
Richard grinned. -
(ItS aCtUaLlY mY sEa AnGeL iM mAkInG a MeGa BeE lAtEr)
Caleb booped his nose. -
(oH mY bAd bUt sTILL)
Richard blushed. -
(I mEaN I CaNt OwN a BeEhIvE iRl sO tHiS iS tHe nExT bEsT tHiNg-)
Caleb smiled. -
Richard pulled him close. -
Caleb grinned, letting him.
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