Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"The a--holes printed it." Jayd muttered, in disbelief and anger. He looked up at Neo, who looked incredibly nervous. He handed it back to him without another word.
(Gtg, hopefully I'll be back soon!) -
‘Are you alright, sire?’ Neo asked, swallowing nervously. -
Jayd gave a small nod. "I'm fine, Neo." He said, trying to not sound as frustrated as he was.
Neo nodded once. ‘If you’re sure, sire,’ he said. He bowed his head and walked off.
Jayden gave a sigh once Neo left. What was he going to do now, with that stupid paper hanging over his head now?
Meanwhile, Chester was in high spirits. It only took him about half an hour to finish his work, so he spent another half hour buying tickets for the theatre and flowers for Jayden. He hadn’t seen the article yet. Chester wasn’t sure if Jayden would prefer a musical or an opera, so he bought two tickets to the best musical and the best opera in the kingdom, figuring they could choose later.
Jayd walked to breakfast, waiting alone for his food, which was the best pancakes he has ever had.
Maeve didn’t turn up to breakfast. She was probably still in Norway v
Jayden finished after a bit and walked back to his room, looking through his room to find something to do.
Maeve popped into his room - literally - looking unhappy. ‘Boo,’ she said unenthusiastically.
Jayd looked over at her. "You ok?" He asked, concerned.
‘Yeah,’ Maeve mumbled. ‘Don’t worry about me. Did you see the article?’
Jayden nodded. "That's not important." He said, not wanting to talk about it much. "You sure you're alright?"
‘Yep,’ Maeve said, though very unhappily.
Jayd raised an eyebrow, but didn't want to pry too much, so he didn't ask again.
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