- Locked due to inactivity on Apr 9, '24 3:54am
Thread Topic: 1v1
(@Alex, I am still thinking of a plot as to why she is of school so if you have any ideas ππ)
Frankie's phone continued to vibrate, she checked it once more-more messages from Issac. She sighed tucking her phone in her jeans pocket and continued walking on. -
(Well it could be a sci-fi thing where she's forced to use some wacky tech and it turns out to be super dangerous and then she has to tell Issac the next day and they try to undo the damage or something?)
Izzy didn't get any texts from Frankie, which wasn't good news. He tried to stop worrying and focus on the lesson but it didn't work very well. -
(Great idea π‘, thanks)
After about five minutes, Frankie retrieved her phone and read over the message she'd gotten last night, to check she was going to the correct address. She replied to Issac with a short text 'Im ok' then shoved it back in her pocket. -
'Then where are you?!' Issac texted immediately.
Frankie sighed and responded with a simple emoji 'π€·'
(how are you on your phone in maths class π±π±π±π)
'Why aren't you here?!'
She knew she should answer, but Frankie couldn't tell him that either. She took a deep breath as she near the house she had been summoned too.
'....... Frankie??' Izzy texted before his teacher got mad at him for being on his phone.
As Frankie approached this mysterious address she quickly shared her location with Issac so he would be able to find her later. She then switched off her phoen and knocked.
Issac screenshotted the location as soon as he saw it, which was once his math class was over.
A short lady with tangly black curls opened the door. "H-Hello, Miss, Mas-master will be back soon, come in p-please" she stuttered. She looked scared and she took Frankie's coat form her leaving her cold in a strange house.
Izzy's next class-science- was equally boring without Frankie.
Frankie wished she could be in science right now, although it was own of her worst subjects, anything was better then this.
(Please help again, I'm honestly out of ideas at the moment, or you could maybe act out this "stranger" if you want) -
(Maybe it could time-skip to the next day if you're really not sure so it could add to the suspense and mystery possibly?)
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