Warriors Rp
Thread Topic: Warriors Rp
Moonkit? Really? I was going to insert Moonclaw in here somehow later -w-'))
Drakestorm snored softly. -
Sightfall birthed another kit. But this one was unresponsive. Jadestone wouldn't give up, however, and after long and hard work, the kitten began to breathe and wriggle.
Treeslash sighed with relief when his fourth kit began to live. Sightfall turned and gazed blindly at Jadestone.
"You name this one," she said gratefully.
"Alright," the she-cat said, smiling. "Stillkit." -
I'll insert Moonclaw into the other one later))
Drakestorm began to twitch in his sleep. -
Jadestone and Treeslash helped carry the kits to the nursery, where Sightfall licked them and kept them warm.
Reedpelt watched his brother with a twinge of envy. He had no one, whereas his brother had a mate and four kits to call his own. -
Timeskip to night?))
Alrighty then))
Bluefly had seen Sightfall's kits and congratulated her warmly on them. Treeslash nodded approvingly before rasping his tongue over his mate's ear.
Bluefly was even more excited to have kits of her own and went to the Meadow. -
Drakestorm was waiting for her there. "Bluefly!" He purred when he saw her.
We're gonna have to skip pretty soon š))
"Drakestorm!" Bluefly said, purring and winding herself around him. -
Skip what? Time?))
He nuzzled into her fur, purring loudly. -
Birdflight leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes happily.
Whistlepaw started training Frog and Toad unofficially. -
Who's Birdflight?))
*Bluefly -
Drakestorm purred some more and twined his tail around hers.
"I love you," Bluefly whispered.
Whistlepaw pounced on Frog, laughing. Frog laughed too, shoving her off of him. Toad groomed himself, watching them silently. Frog had ripped off his collar. -
"I love you too." He murmured back, and licked her thoroughly.
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