Land of the Machines
Thread Topic: Land of the Machines
ayyy don't super remember everything about what was going on so i'm just gonna do my best to jump back into the action))
"I doubt anyone would be worried about what us Muhi are doing when the entirety of the city hardly has electricity," Alainora muttered. She turned the knobs on the radio more, getting some strong interference that blasted through the speakers, but the more she messed with it, the better the quality got.
"Don't use that word," Morgan said sternly.
"What? I'd rather it come out of my mouth than theirs."
Morgan's eyes drifted to Rasia. They were starting to go red around the rim, and bags were visible even in the dim lighting. It was as if he was trying to apologize to Rasia. -
(I'd just skim through if you need to)
Rasia looked at Morgan. Then at Nora. "It's just that if anyone hears what I'm about to say we'd probably all be dead," she said. She paused for a moment. She had been trying to keep it a secret but she couldn't any longer. They had to know. It was pulling at her heart and making her stomach to flips inside of itself.
"We'd – I'll be going to Citego," she said. -
"Citego?" Morgan repeated. "Why there? Isn't it basically a war zone right now?"
Alainora struggled with the radio for only moments longer before it finally got a good hold on a station. Most of it was frantic reports about the factory explosion, but because of Morgan, so far it wasn't anything that they hadn't already learned about.
"It's because she's from Citego, dumba--," she muttered, leaning back in her chair, happy with the work she was able to accomplish. -
Rasia nodded. "I need to return there before Shicicliff gets there," she said. She felt like everything about her was about to pour out of her lips at any second. Any second they'd find out who she was. And she didn't know where they stood with each other anymore, Nora seemed to be taking it all really badly. She hoped they'd understand, but she simply didn't know.
Morgan put his face in his hands and let out a deep sigh. Things were much worse than he thought they were. The city had been attacked, he had almost lost his life, now his little sister was obsessed with trying to escape Shicicliff. It was a stupid idea, he knew it, but she was stubborn, and something told him he was going to have a hard time trying to convince her to stay.
"Well, you're more than welcome to leave come morning, but we're going to stay here. It's too dangerous for us to go, but if you want to return home then we can't stop you," he said looking back up around at the two girls in the room.
"What do you mean, we? I want to go with her," Alainora said, turning around to face the two of them. -
Oh no, Rasia thought. She rubbed her temples, trying to figure out what to say or what to do. "Shicicliff is leaving for Citego in two weeks, if I remember correctly," she said. "If I get there before then I may be able to stop the war. If you guys come you will probably be able to help me."
She shifted her standing position, not realizing she had been locked in the same spot this whole time.
"If I fail there will likely be war in both places. Neither land will be better or worse, you'd have no advantage in either place." -
"And what makes you so special?" Alainora asked, messing with her hair which seemed to be curling in every direction she didn't it want it to. "No offence, but you're just one person. You make it seem like you're some savior or something, but honestly, I don't think anyone can help us in this fight."
Clenching his jaw, Morgan's eyes drifted down to Alainora's fake leg. It was beautifully crafted and forged out of metal, and it sure took them a long while to gather the money and luck to get her a prosthetic. But he knew what the prosthetic really served as. A reminder for her. How she couldn't ever run fast enough.
But also, a reminder for him. -
Rasia's stomach twisted. It was finally going to come out. She took a large-ish breath. It was shaking. She sat down.
"I'm the princess of Citego," Rasia said quietly, "Heir to the throne." She had spoken so softly she wasn't sure if they had heard her, but she wasn't sure if she had the willpower to say it again.
The next few moments, minutes, hours, days, even weeks or months, and maybe even years would be filled to the brim with uncertainty and chaos, Rasia just realized. How would she, as the new queen, be able to deal with that and lead the remnants of her land through with a steady and firm hand? -
The room seemed to go silent for a few moments after Rasia admitted herself as the heir to the Citegan throne. In fact, the only sound that could be heard was the buzzing of the radio and its reports on the explosion.
Currently, it has been confirmed that forty workers have died, one hundred and twenty three have been injured, and another ninety seven are missing. Despite the work of our brave firefighters, the fires are continuing to burn. Expect electricity throughout the city-
"You're joking, right?" Alainora spoke up. "I thought the entirety of the Citegan Monarchy had been assassinated?" -
Rasia shook her head. "I'm not," she said. "I managed to escape with nothing but a costume I had been trying on at the time on my back. Thanks to you I am not dead." They wouldn't believe her, she just knew it, but she hoped they would see she was telling the truth.
A lump began to form in Alainora's throat. Could this girl really be telling the truth? If she was, would it be stupid to agree to go with her to Citego? After everything she had ever faced during her life, the only thing she could never forget was the day the war finally came to her village. Maybe going with Rasia would be her chance to change things for the better and get her life back.
"I knew you had to be Citegan by the clothes you were wearing when I first found you, but I never knew that you could have been..." she drifted off, unsure of what to say. -
"You don't have to come," Rasia said. "But I'd be able to get some insight on what goes on in the city and how to deal with them." She hoped they would accept her offer, but she also hoped they would make their own decision on the matter.
"So, you don't even have a plan?" Morgan asked. His hand reached up to the wound on his head. It had stopped bleeding, but it was obvious that it was still bugging him.
Alainora stood up from her work bench, doing her best to try and stretch her body. It was starting to get late at night, and there was no doubt the brother and sister were starting to grow tired. It had been quite a long and chaotic day.
"We've been citizens of Shicicliff for years. If we're caught they'll consider it treason," Alainora said, crossing her arms and looking down to the ground. Her light eyebrows began to furrow together, her pale skin seeming to glow in the dim light. "And if they find out who you are, they'd certainly kill you without a second thought. If we are going to leave, we're going to need a good plan." -
"I think we should go to bed and you guys can sleep on it. No one is in any state to be making this kind of decision after what just happened," Rasia said. She was regaining a bit of her confidence. "I am leaving tomorrow morning, and then you can choose whether you'd like to come or stay."
She wanted to give them as much time as possible. But it didn't matter whether they came or not or if they liked her decision, she would be leaving the next morning. -
"She's right," Morgan agreed. "You're way too hot headed at the moment to be making any sort of decision."
Rolling her eyes, Alainora made her way right back to her work bench, sitting down and beginning to mess with the radio once again, despite having already fixed it.
"I doubt I'll change my mind come morning."
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