My R
Thread Topic: My R
Norman looked in the bag that showed up and to his delight saw some supplies. He decided to eat the food he bought from the convenience store.
Adria kissed her grandmother's cheek. "Babushka," Adria said endearingly. "I have found my happiness again."
Norman ate the only food he had for that day and went to sleep.
Her grandmother smiled. "Vnuchka, I am very, very proud of you. I love you so much."
Adria smiled. She remembered what Norman had said, and was glad that she wasn't dead. -
Norman only slept for a few minutes before the door slammed and he heard his mother and father fighting.
Adria practically inhaled the delicious pelmeni with sour cream that her grandmother had made.
He heard his door lock along with his parents door slam and lock before he heard one of them running back to his room.
She went to bed and wrapped herself up with a thick blanket.
Norman heard his bedroom door unlock and his father busted his door down. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He yelled throwing punches at Norman. Norman ended up getting hit several times before falling out of the window.
Adria was about to fall asleep when she heard a loud thump. She got up to go investigate.
Norman could feel the shattered glass in his skin as his father ran out and relocked the door making it look like an accident.
Adria saw a motionless figure next to Norman's house. She panicked as she ran. She knelt down beside Norman, trying to assess his wounds.
"Say something, anything," she murmured. -
"great, now I have to repair the window." Norman said.
Adria started crying and laughing at the same time, holding Norman tightly. "You almost died and you're worried about the windows?"
"it's not new, this has happened before I'm not gonna die." Norman said.
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