I Summon Thee
Thread Topic: I Summon Thee
Virgil could practically feel Cain tensing as he came into close proximity. He fought the urge to laugh at the boy's discomfort. These two had only been together for a small amount of time, and yet the demon felt as if he had been with him for years. He longed to see how the two would fair over the course of the upcoming month.
"Are you sure that it was vague, and that you weren't just neglecting your research duties?" Virgil teased, opening his eyes and leaning his head back forward. "I find it hard to believe that a tutorial on summoning an ancient demon was that difficult to comprehend..."
He paused, looking over at Cain and staring at him intently. Trust. The word echoed in the demon's mind. "I hope that I'll deserve it for quite some time, then, hm?"
Virgil fell silent after that. He turned his attention to the rest of the kitchen. Cain's house was a simple little setup, but the demon enjoyed its aesthetic. He wanted to see the rest of the house-- no, not just the house, but the town they were residing in. He couldn't wait to get out and explore. Perhaps they'd even come across his first victim--
The demon looked back over to Cain, recognizing that he was shaking. "Cain?" he asked, pushing off of the counter. "Are you alright?" -
Cain ignored the teasing, as he was too deep in thought. He then looks up at Virgil when his name is called and he realizes that he's been shaking. "Oh. I'm sorry," Cain apologizes, though he didn't really do anything wrong. It was kind of out of habit. He stops shaking and tries to relax.
Cain frowns and ponders why Virgil had asked him if he was okay in the first place. Did the demon really care about him, or was it all just a ploy? Was he just the first of many victims? Cain rinses the soap off of the dishes and sets them on the dish rack to dry.
The attempts at relaxation didn't seem to be working, he was still tense. "I-I know you've been iching to go outside, I'll show you around the town if you want," Cain says, changing the subject. He fiddles with his hands as he speaks, now that he was done with the dishes he had nothing more to do with them.
"And you must be hungry, since you've barely eaten. I know you joked about eating humans earlier b-but whatever you actually eat I'm sure we can find." -
Virgil frowned as Cain apologized. Normally, he wouldn't give a lesser f--- about how a human boy was feeling. However, Cain was the one who granted him the ability to walk on Earth for another month. Caring for him and ensuring his mental stability was the least he could do.
"You don't need to apologize," he said finally, his expression softening. As Cain pushed for a new subject, Virgil complied, not wanting to stress him out. "We can go out if you'd like. I was interested in leaving this house.
The demon watched Cain fiddle with his hands. It was better than shaking, but it was an obvious sign that he still wasn't okay. He was also stuttering here and there.
Without thinking, Virgil walked over and took Cain's hands into his own. He held them, rubbing his thumb along the backs. He had done it before with one of his former summoners, and it seemed to help them calm down. "I don't need to eat, you know.. Being a demon does have perks. But we can explore all of the little shops and see what they have. I happen to have a bit of a sweet tooth." He flashed a smile, hoping that it would ease Cain's stress just a bit. -
Cain is surprised at the sudden gesture of affection. He doesn't know whether to feel terrified or calm, so his brain kind of farts and he forgets how to speak. After a few seconds, he looks away and lets his hair cover his face so that he could hide his flusteredness. His brain had finally decided on calm.
"Shopping sounds like a good idea, actually. My dad's been getting onto me about getting a haircut," he frowns. Last night's dinner fiasco escalated a bit, actually. He'd rather not think about it. "And there's this great bakery that I know about," Cain says, now a lot more excited. He forgot how fun it was to go out with a friend, especially since he very rarely did it.
"What kind of clothes do you like? I usually go to thrift stores," Cain says. He tugs on Virgil's hand to lead him to the garage. -
Virgil struggled to keep himself from laughing as he watched Cain freeze up before him. The boy had probably gotten confused by the demon's kindness; he'd have to be more mindful of his future approaches.
Cain's face lit up once he started to speak. Virgil was delighted to see that his emotions were changing for the better. "Oh? I rather like your hair the way it is, if I'm honest," he said, reaching his free hand up to touch some of Cain's soft fluff. He dropped his hand as Cain began to tug him out of the room.
"I don't really have a preference," Virgil said, glancing around as they walked through the house. Thoughtfully, he added, "I don't even know what a 'thrift' store is. Are there special kinds of clothing there?" -
Cain didn't notice when Virgil touched his hair, lucky for him because if he did he would've died in a mass of softness and blushing furiously. "Me too, I wish I could grow it out," Cain said. They had successfully made it to the garage without running into trouble. He grabbed some keys off of a hook on the wall and clicked a button to unlock the car doors.
"Thrift stores are .. hmm. Well, they sell second hand clothes. You can donate stuff there, not just clothes, and they'll sell it. The earnings will usually go to a charity of some sort," Cain explains. "Sounds meh, but the prices are awesome and you can find some hidden gems."
Cain glances down at his outfit. He didn't really expect to go out today, he was wearing some khaki pants with and oversized sweater. Cain didn't care enough to change into anything fancy though. Virgil had on black pants, and that white sweater Cain had given him earlier that day. Cain smiles suddenly. "We're matching," he says, poking the demon. Virgil's sweater fit better of course, but Cain found it funny. -
(Are you interested in continuing this?)
(HELL YEAH- dude I love this roleplay literally so much, I'd have been happier if you skipped the question entirely and just replied then and there :P)
(Lol, I figured that would be the case but I wanted to make sure anyway!)
Virgil's eyes roamed around the garage. They grew wide with curiosity as he took in sights of all sorts of interesting objects that he hadn't seen before. Oh, how peculiar modern technology was! He would surely have to question Cain about all of the fascinating things he saw in this little garage once they returned from their quest.
He looked back to Cain, his curiosity fading as he heard where the money went. "That sounds rather stupid," Virgil said dully. "Why don't they just keep the money for themselves?" Whether his dislike for charities was due to his background as a demon or his own personal taste, he wasn't sure. He just didn't like the idea of humans working so hard just to give their earnings to somebody else. He wasn't about to voice this aloud to Cain, though.
Virgil stood before the car, glancing down at himself and then at Cain. A small smile crossed his face as he discovered that they did, in fact, match. "What do you know?" he said, more a rhetorical question than anything. "How cute. I wonder if people will think we're a couple~" -
(It's 3am and I should've replied hours ago, but after reading what Virgil says I just HAD to drop everything and draw them: )
Cain probably could've had a comeback to Virgil's comment about thrift stores, but if he started to explain it he'd probably have to explain the concept of benevolence and selflessness.. and Cain didn't see how that would compute with a demon. So, he just left it alone at that.
When Virgil suggests that people will think they're a couple, Cain doesn't react at first. He's kind of surprised and flustered all at once. Finally, after a few seconds, he finds his voice, "N-No they won't!" Cain says weakly. He's unsure of how to combat a remark like that. A human and a demon.. no, a boy and another boy! It was impossible, it was unthinkable.
Cain tries to hide his embarrassment by opening the car door, but now he can't focus so of course he fumbles with the keys and drops them. As he picks them up, despite the fact that Cain knew it was bad, Virgil's words ring through his head. "How cute." Cain wondered what he meant, he wondered if Virgil had ulterior motives, and if he was good or bad. -
(Oh my f--- I just let out a not human squeal of excitement LOOK AT OUR BOYS!!!!!! hope u don't mind but that's now my lock screen.. and then rvelez's nsfw is my home screen sksksksksk)
"Are you sure about that?" Virgil watched Cain, grinning gleefully as the human grew excessively flustered. "Aren't we in the age where humans are starting to realize that same sex couples aren't necessarily bad? I mean, God made up a lot of things just to watch you all take it to heart and panic, but I could have sworn that the one thing I knew about this time period was some of the hot topics like that.."
The demon put a finger on his chin, getting lost in his thoughts. He still had six days and almost twenty-one hours until he'd have his magic back. He couldn't just poof the knowledge into his mind yet. His nose wrinkled as he tried to think of a solution, but he got distracted as the sound of Cain's keys hitting the floor echoed through the garage. He turned his attention back to Cain.
"Which door should I get into?" He asked, pausing to reflect on his words. They didn't make much sense. The demon couldn't get into a car door, after all. "I mean.. What seat should I sit in? And.. Which door will get me to that seat?" -
(Of course I don't mind :0 I'm most likely gonna draw more of them, so your lock screen might change teehee)
Cain's head was spinning. God made up things? Why would He do that? It raised even more questions than before. "Leviticus, chapter eighteen verse twenty t.." Cain started to say, but he trailed off. If God could've just made it up, what substance did the scriptures really hold? No wonder people are more accepting nowadays, maybe it was just Cain who joined the party too late.
As Cain unlocks the car door, Virgil asks him a poorly worded question. Virgil tries to correct himself, but he still sounds awfully strange. Cain understands him enough to answer, "The one across from here is your door, it leads you to the passenger seat, and the one I'm sitting at is the driver's seat."
Cain is suddenly aware that Virgil hasn't really been out of Hell for a while, he'll probably have to readjust to the human world and Cain will have to help him learn about new technologies. "How.. how long have you been down there?" Cain musters up the courage to ask. -
( )
(i f---ing love that. now we need one with those shirts that say "if lost, return to [blank]" and "I am [blank]" and we'll have a holy trinity of outfits)
Virgil gave Cain a side look as he started to recite the Bible. Of course the demon knew the verses; what they were meant to be and what humans thought they were, anyway. The boy seemed to lose his trail of thought, so he turned his attention back to the car.
The one across from 'here'.. Cain was at the first door to the left of the car. Virgil carefully stepped around to the right of the car, going to the first door there. As he opened the door, he heard Cain giving the seats names. He leaned in, staring at the seat in front of him. "Passenger seat," he echoed aloud, fascinated. "How peculiar."
When Cain asked the question, he once again looked up with the same look from before; not quite disappointment, but surely something close to it. "It has been.. A few hundred years or so, Cain," Virgil said, his voice odd and strained. "The last time I walked the Earth was when.. Why, when Americans still had slaves and wore those silly little suits!" He looked down at his sweater, reminiscing the 'silly little suits.' "I believe that was in the late eighteenth century, if I'm not mistaken." -
(On it!)
Cain tried to hide his expression when Virgil repeated the names of the seats. What was the demon implying? Or maybe he wasn't implying anything, maybe Cain was just overthinking it. He revved the car up as he listened to Virgil answer his question.
The late eighteenth centuries.. if Cain's memory wasn't mistaken, that was when America was just beginning to become independent. "I.. um, well the world today has plenty of new things to offer now, a lot of things have changed.." Cain said. How old exactly was Virgil? Cain didn't feel like he was in any position to ask, older people tended to be sensitive about that question. He had to be well over 250 years, though.
Cain's curiosity was peaked. He couldn't help but to wonder about the experiences Virgil went through, who he had met, the relationships he had, etc. He hoped that Virgil wouldn't be so culturally inept that he raised suspicion. Cain would have to try his best to keep an eye on him. The demon sounded.. pained to think about how long he'd been in Hell. Cain would make sure his time here was worth the wait.
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