I Summon Thee
Thread Topic: I Summon Thee
(Has anyone ever told you that you are a saint)
Virgil's interest grew exponentially as Cain revved the engine. The demon had never heard such a sound. He carefully climbed into the car, sliding into the seat and making sure all of his body was inside of the vehicle before closing the door.
He began to look at the inside of the car, once again fascinated by the contents. As Cain spoke, he leaned over to touch a few buttons and run his fingers in the cup holders between them. "I can see that," he said, looking up at the sun visor and pulling it down. "I used to read up on all of the fancy new things humans had invented over the years, but I stopped just after the first cars were made.. 1886, I believe? You humans have most certainly improved your technology since!" -
( nope- but I've been told I look like I crawled out of the depths of Hell)
Cain could tell this was all new to Virgil, he looks around the car with an almost childlike curiosity. "If you think this is impressive, wait until you see phones and computers," Cain says with a little smile. He begins to back out of the driveway, and he glances over at Virgil slyly, lost in thought.
"1886.. that was a whiiiile ago," Cain says, though kinda out of focus now that he's trying to concentrate on driving. "You can play a song on the radio to pass the time," Cain suggests to Virgil, "Choose whatever you want, just don't turn it up really loud." He wonders what kind of music Virgil would be into. Back in the 1700s and 1800s there weren't as many options and genres of music as today. Virgil would probably enjoy the bands his sister used to like. -
(Here's a blank template: )
(well ur a f---ing saint, I love all of these)
Virgil nodded as if he understood what Cain was saying, but he knew very well that he did not. He had never heard of a phone or a computer. He wondered what they looked like; were they as big as this car? Or were they some other form of device, totally different altogether?
"Oh, very much so. I mean, we are in the 2000's, are we not?" The demon's lips tugged into an amused smile. He turned his attentions back to the buttons. "Play a song? How.. Do I do that?" He blinked, leaning forward a bit and squinting at the buttons. They all had different symbols on them. He was utterly lost. -
(They slowly get more and more simplistic because I'm too drained to draw serious ones all the time :'))
Cain's first impression of Virgil was one of fear, uncertainty, apprehensiveness, etc. Looking at him now ask about how a radio worked almost made Cain crack a smile. He was like.. a teacher, able to pass information on to Virgil. Cain didn't know what to do with such power, he could easily tell Virgil that 'phone' was another word for 'gun', or something of that sort.
Cain wouldn't plot anything that diabolical yet though, for now he'd actually teach him how the radio works. Cain stopped at a red light and he took this oppurtunity to turn to Virgil. "This sideways triangle is the play button, these buttons on the left and right side of it are what you use to go back to a song or forwards to another song. These two downward lines indicate the pause button. You can use the up and down buttons here to flip through different radio channels," Cain says, pointing as he spoke.
A car behind him honked, so Cain began driving again. He pushed the on button for the radio, and a channel with a preacher was playing. "Now you can use the up and down buttons to change cahnnels, just like I showed you," Cain says with a small smile. -
(That's 100% fine, I relate)
As Cain explained each button and knob, Virgil listened carefully, making sure to pay attention. He doubted that knowing how the car radio worked would be important for the bigger picture, but he wanted to feel educated in this moment. After all, he'd have to listen and observe quietly for this upcoming week anyway; might as well entertain himself with all of this knowledge.
When his explanation was finished, Virgil began to flip through the channels. He listened to the sound coming from the device. It seemed that it was on a news talk show. His nose wrinkled in slight disgust, and he flipped to a different channel. This time, music came from the speakers. He gave it a few seconds before changing to yet another channel.
"How many of these channels are there?" He asked, frowning. "Will I have to go through dozens before I find one that-- Oooh." As Virgil was asking his questions, he had still been flipping through channels. The music coming from this one was interesting- it was rap, not that Virgil would know. He turned up the volume a bit and leaned back in his seat, listening to the lyrics and the beat. -
Cain smiled at Virgil's pick. He didn't necessarily like rap music, but it reminded him of the crazy tunes his sister would listen to. Rap, metal, alternative, rock and roll, speedcore. Their parents always disapproved and tried to distance her influence from Cain and Abel, but she found ways to sneak it into their everyday life.
Eve was actually quite smart. One time she made a device in the fridge that played her favorite playlists and albums everytime it was opened, it drove everyone crazy. "Rap music," Cain said to Virgil, since Cain knew that he didn't know.
Cain finds a parking space and parks the car, but he lets the song play through until the end before cutting it off. "This is the town square," Cain says, referring to where they were and motioning to the shops around them. "We'll be doing mostly walking from now on, hope you don't mind."
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