Challenge: Make the most OP* character ever
- Locked due to inactivity on Apr 27, '17 3:54am
Thread Topic: Challenge: Make the most OP* character ever
I'll start I guess
Name: Odria Precate
Powers: Hydrokinesis, fire manipulation, gas manipulation, illusions, dream manipulation, illusions, flying, teleporting, time travel, space manipulation, ice manipulation, manipulation over minds, empathy, control people, perfect aim, super speed, laser eyes, telekinesis, heat manipulation, earth manipulation, manipulation over EVERY FUKKING THING, talk to animals, mind control, manipulation over manipulation, siren singing, electricity manipulation, opening dimensions
Weapons: Gun, throwing knives, stabbing knives, bow and arrow, katana, hook, flail, mace, kniving knives, butter knives, chains, wooden steak, raw peice of ham, spiky boots
Bio: *insert sad sappy crap here*
Other: Is half robot and can control all the technology in the world
Best known name:wrench
Powers:hack everything + every power = unbeatable
Weapon:phone and laptop -
Wow forgot bio and other
Bio:*insert life of hackin story*
Other:is the best hacker who can even hack stuff you thought wasn't able to be hacked (example: people) -
Name: Daisuke Alfonso Brackett
Powers: Can control any of your characters, mimic their power, and knows every power everyone has ever created or will create! Better than any god ever thought up of! Able to hack your hacks!!!!!!!
Weapons: Every weapon to ever exist! Even a spoon! (very rich so can own everything plus god = steals weapons like nukes)
Bio: born to japanese/italian/white/black/every kind of race and is part vampire, werewolf, dragon, everything you can imagine and is very fluent in every language. but he was abandoned at a young age because he was so fluent in every language at birth. :( some wizard dude took him in and tried to train him the ways of magic but he already knew them all!! abandoned by wizard dude and then picked up by hot queen who married him at young teenage years! ruled over 1/2 of the earth with hot queen!!! but then hot queen dumped him, he became very sad and tried to take over entire world!!!!
other: very hot!!!!!! no girl would not date!!!!!!!! -
Name : Bloodrayne Renessseme Enoby Raven dementia darkness Way yuuki Gasai kurosaki hime-chan senpai
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List of Kinetic Abilities
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Kinetic Abilities
Hydrokinesis, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis and Geokinesis.
Kinesis Abilities:
Abilities dealing with mental control over the motion of various elements and objects
This is a list of abilities that are controlled by the mind. Kinesis/kinetics, meaning motion. Hence Aerokinesis (Aero = Air) + (Kinesis = Motion) = (Moving Air)
List of Powers
Acedikinesis...manipulate sloth
Aciukinesis...manipulate sharpness of objects
Aerokinesis...manipulate air
Aestatekinesis...manipulate Summer
Aggressiokinesis...manipulate anger
Aidoskinesis...manipulate humility
Alcokinesis...manipulate alcohol.
Amokinesis...manipulate and control the emotion of love or desire
Anthracokinesis...manipulate coal
Antikinesis...manipulate antimatter
Argentokinesis...manipulate silver
Arthrokinesis...manipulate joints
Asterokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy
Astrakinesis...manipulate astral energy
Astronkinesis...manipulate and control the remnants of dead stars
Atmokinesis...manipulate the weather
Atomkinesis...manipulate atoms
Audiokinesis...manipulate and generate sound
Aurokinesis...manipulate and generate gold
Autumnuskinesis...manipulate Autumn
Avarikinesis...manipulate greed
Avikinesis...manipulate avian creatures
Antikinesis...manipulate and generate antimatter
Benzinakinesis...manipulate gases
Bibliokinesis...manipulate books
Biokinesis...manipulate bodies
Bio-thermokinesis...manipulate body temperature
Blennokinesis...manipulate filth
Botanokinesis...manipulate and generate plants
Brontekinesis...manipulate thunder
Carbokinesis...manipulate carbon
Cardiokinesis...manipulate hearts
Caelestikinesis...manipulate celestial bodies
Caelumkinesis...manipulate the sky
Chemokinesis...manipulate chemical substances
Chromokinesis...manipulate colors
Chronokinesis...move time in any direction
Cibumkinesis...manipulate food
Cthonikinesis...manipulate Nether
Cukinesis...manipulate copper
Cogitokinesis...manipulate thought
Cognikinesis...manipulate perspectives
Comakinesis...manipulate hair
Combokinesis...manipulate combat
Coronakinesis...manipulate corona energy
Corrokinesis...manipulate the power of corruption
Cryokinesis...manipulate and generate ice
Crystallokinesis...manipulate minerals and crystal
Cytokinesis...manipulate cells of organisms
Datakinesis....manipulate data
Dendrokinesis...manipulate wood
Depictukinesis...manipulate art
Dermakinesis.... manipulate and generate extra skin
Dimensiokinesis...manipulate dimensions
Dracokinesis...manipulate draconic energy
Edaphokinesis ...manipulate terrains
Electrokinesis...manipulate and generate electricity
Elementumkinesis...manipulate the elemental forces of the universe
Electromagnetokinesis...manipulate electromagnetism
Ergokinesis...manipulate and generate energy
Essokinesis...manipulate reality
Etherkinesis...manipulate Aether
Fauna-Ergokinesis...manipulate fauna energy
Ferrokinesis...manipulate metal
Ferrikinesis...manipulate iron
Figurakinesis...manipulate shape
Filukinesis...manipulate thread
Florakinesis...manipulate flowers
Flora Ergokinesis...manipulate flora energy
Flyrokinesis...manipulate and generate force fields
Fragokinesis...manipulate explosions
Frigokinesis...manipulate and create snow
Fungokinesis...manipulate and generate fungi
Genekinesis...manipulate DNA
Geokinesis...manipulate the earth
Geomagnetokinesis...manipulate the geomagnetic field
Geo-Thermokinesis...manipulate lava, magma, and volcanoes
Gerontokinesis...manipulate the age of living organisms
Glucokinesis...manipulate sugar
Gyrokinesis...manipulate gravity
Hagio-Ergokinesis... manipulate divine energy
Haemokinesis...manipulate blood
Hakai-Ergokinesis...manipulate destructive energy
Halokinesis...manipulate salt
Hallucikinesis..manipulate illusions
Heliokinesis...manipulate solar energy
Hyalokinesis...manipulate glass
Hyetokinesis...manipulate rain
Hydrokinesis...manipulate and generate water
Hygrokinesis...manipulate vapor
Hypnokinesis...control and manipulate the sleep functions of oneself and in others
Ionikinesis...manipulate plasma
Iokinesis ...manipulate ions
Inclinkinesis...manipulate body shape
Infernokinesis...manipulate hellfire
Kheimokinesis...manipulate Winter
Kinetikinesis.... manipulate kinetic energy
Koniokinesis.... manipulate dust
Lactokinesis...manipulate lactose
Leakinesis...manipulate lead
Ligneokinesis...manipulate wood
Lipokinesis...manipulate your fat
Logikinesis...manipulate logic
Lunarkinesis...manipulate lunar energy
Lutumkinesis...manipulate clay
Marrionetakinesis...manipulate puppets
Materiokinesis...manipulate matter
Mathekinesis...manipulate math
Mgethoskinesis..manipulate size
Melanokinesis...manipulate ink
Mentokinesis...manipulate the functions of the mind
Metallokinesis...manipulate metals
Mitokinesis...manipulate the life process of mitosis
Mnemokinesis...manipulate memories
Molekinesis... manipulate molecules
Molydbkinesis...manipulate magnetism
Mycokinesis...manipulate and generate molds
Myokinesis...manipulate muscles
Mystokinesis...manipulate magic
Nanokinesis ...manipulate nanites
Naturakinesis...manipulate nature
Nebukinesis...manipulate nebulae
Necrokinesis...manipulate the dead
Nega-Ergokinesis...manipulate dark energy
Negikinesis...manipulate negativity forces
Negokinesis...manipulate negative mass
Nemakinesis...manipulate cloth and thread
Neurokinesis...manipulate thoughts
Nihilikinesis...manipulate nothingness
Nitikinesis...manipulate bubbles
Nitrokinesis...explode and recover afterwards
Nixukinesis...manipulate pressure
Nocikinesis...manipulate nerves
Nosokinesis...manipulate disease
Nubikinesis...manipulate clouds
Nucleokinesis ...manipulate nuclear substances, blasts etc.
Odikinesis...manipulate hatred
Odynokinesis...manipulate pain
Oleokinesis...manipulate oil
Omnikinesis...posses every kinetic ability
Oneirokinesis...manipulate dreams
Onychokinesis...manipulate your nails
Opinokinesis...manipulate senses
Osteokinesis...manipulate bones
Oxikinesis...manipulate oxygen
Pacemiakinesis...manipulate peace
Paleokinesis...make living organisms older
Palletakinesis...manipulate paint
Paludemkinesis...manipulate wetlands
Palynokinesis...manipulate pollen
Papyrokinesis...manipulate paper
Pathokinesis... manipulate emotions
Patho-Ergokinesis...manipulate emotional energy
Pherokinesis...manipulate pheromones
Pheumakinesis...manipulate lungs
Phobikinesis...manipulate fears
Photokinesis...manipulate and generate light
Photo-Umbrakinesis...manipulate both light and darkness
Phutrakinesis...manipulate seeds of plants
Phyllokinesis...manipulate and generate plants
Physikinesis...manipulate the laws of physics
Phytokinesis...manipulate and generate leaves
Picnokinesis...manipulate density
Polemokinesis... manipulate war
Posikinesis...manipulate positive forces
Potentikinesis...manipulate superpowers
Psuchkinesis...manipulate spiritual power
Psychrokinesis...manipulate and generate cold
Pulsakinesis ...manipulate all types of pulses
Pyrokinesis...manipulate and generate fire
Quiekinesis...manipulate silence
Quintekinesis...manipulate life force
Quantumkinesis...manipulate quantum energy
Quantakinesis... manipulate quantity
Radiokinesis...manipulate and generate radiation
Rheokinesis...manipulate flow
Regokinesis -
It got cut off;-;
Kidnapped as a baby she was kidnapped again by scientists and beaten and abused!!!! They experimented on her and when she was older they gave her really giganormos tits!!!!! They cursed her doe!!!!! Everyone would love her! She self harms because of the curse and her Abouse!
But then she became the Hokage! She found the one piece and used her Kamui to master Bankai!!!! She loves her Madoka and she is the cpatain of all sports team and every zodiac animals -
Damn y'all characters make my character look like a powerless peice of gum on a weak shoe connected to an ill sick old unpowered grandpa ;-;
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