Hawaii is sinking
Thread Topic: Hawaii is sinking
“Curious George was currently backed up against a lofty spruce tree with his legs drawn up to his chest and a neat, compact, little leather journal propped up in the palms of his hands. He was engrossed in the fine paper of the book as he jotted down long drawls of sloppy chicken-scratch in the book, his eyes carefully tracing each intricate line (despite the imperfections) as he wrote.
This would soon change, however, when Curious George could just barely gauge the sounds of heavily footfall steadily approaching, easy to discern by the stark contrast of the otherwise quiet atmosphere, coupled by the soft breeze rolling through.
GASP, it was the man in the yellow hat! Good golly!”
thar we go i wasted however many minutes of my life on this yay -
i like simple writing, i hate overcomplicated literature with a deep burning passion forged from the deepest depths of hell 😭 i used to do that so much where i’d look up the fanciest sounding synonyms and, even if it didn’t make SENSE, i’d use it 💀 why
but i started writing a book with two other friends as an inside joke :DD its PLANTS VS DONKEYS LOL it all started with the donkey from shrek and the dragon from shrek and then it gradually became this abomination
dis hot cacao mad fire
i REALLY wanna post what ive written so far somewhere cud im honestly proud of it DD: i think ive incorporated personalities into the characters really well so ima post it here, just maybe so i can come back if ever i change et
here it os!!! :D
Since the dawn of time – before the cavemen and dinosaurus rexes – there’ve been two opposing forces handcrafted from all that is good and evil. One brought the life of the world and harbored resurrection, and the other brought demolition. The pair fought for centuries, but their quarrels could never be diminished. Not even the hands of time could find resolution.
One dreadful night, however, the contention’s stakes were at an all-time high. Donkeys batted their wings and stamped their hooves, chanting war cries, whilst the forest grew restless with unease. The wind groaned and creaked, sensing the foreboding, inevitable despair Earth was about to undergo – which may just as well have been the darkest age the universe has seen in centuries.
Not for the plants, the wretched donkeys, but for liberty insurance. This was no cause for concern at the moment, however, as it’d come at a far later time. Now was a gathering between the plants unbeknownst to the donkeys.
Chapter Onesies
“You’re Getting Old”
It was a still, quiet morning (quieter than the “standard quiet” was, because the crickets weren’t invited) – the sun lit a course clearing below, filled to the brim with overgrown vines snaking around large, plentiful spruce trees. And there was naught except for a single patch of ground left untouched by the copious greenery; there was grass, underbrush, weeds, thorns, bushes, ferns, flytraps, vines coiled up into rope and scaled along the abundant amount of trees, and a great, large, blue blooming flower in the midst of it.
“My fellow peas,” the masculine, elderly voice of the cult leadering flower rang out through the clearing, piercing the silence long-anticipated to be broken. “We are gathered here today to share tributes to a lost alliance. The plants and rocks alike have proved to be a mighty union, but a better future awaits us. A future no longer trampled by the harsh cruelties of the world. A future wherein flowers bloom in eternal perpetuity and wilting be an unheard of term – a future devoid of donkeys.”
A clamor of triumphant, approving roars followed after, thundering through the forests and across plains to deep, dark caverns miles and miles away. The clamor only began to hush when the blue flower briefly raised its petal in a plea for silence. He then continued in this manner.
“Though we’re driven by grief for our lost brethren, we must stay focused. We are no better than the donkeys if we settle our disputes with violence. There’s other ways we can make amends…” The blue flower paused, as if weighing his words carefully. But before he could continue, a voice rang out through the crowd.
“Send them to Malaysia!” shouted a tomato, voice rising above the crowd.
The blue flower gave a weary sigh, his petals drooping slightly.
“We don’t aim to blight another nation with pests, my dear young fellow,” he replied flatly. He continued, his voice rising to refer to the crowd yet again. “Ahem. As I was saying, there are… other ways we can make amends. A truce with the stinky, smelly donkeys. Outlandish, I know. But necessary.”
Low, disapproving murmurs intensified as the crowd began to buzz with dissent.
“Why are we listening to that wilted flower? He’s been rooted too long – doesn’t know the first thing about what we’re up against!” An unusually tall, spiky bull thistle’s voice scraped through the clearing to address the president, as if to bluntly announce his displeasure under these circumstances. “We need new roots. Stronger ones. What have the old ways ever done for us? I say, ‘DOWN WITH THE KING!’”
“Oh, bravo,” grumbled a particularly brash fern, rustling indignantly. This fern had stuck around long enough to know the youth could be very disrespectful at times, though not to such a baffling extent. “Our savior,” she mocked, rolling her fronds. “Please, do you really think he’d have led us thus far if not for his wisdom?”
The bull thistle snorted with contempt at such a horrible statement.
“‘Wisdom?’ I’ll tell you what that so-called ‘wisdom’s’ gotten us: a thousand years of groveling to crackfaces! And what do we have to show for it?” He jabbed a thorned leaf toward the crowd. “Cracked stems. Mangled roots. Our kind gets trampled every season, and we let it happen because we’ve been too soft to fight back!”
“You believe we’ll find peace in the onslaught of blood? We may be rooted in the soil, but we mustn’t let that mean we become stubborn – no, we must be adaptable! Just like… well, those vines over there!” The blue flower directed a petal over to a group of vines coiled around a few trees.
About a quarter of the vines lazily waved in response to the abrupt shift of spotlight.
“We’re just watching.”
“As good fellows do,” the blue flower nodded in acknowledgment, before he averted his attention back to Thistle. “
ples don’t cut off ples don’t cut off -
omg yayyyy then it cuts off cud that’s all i got so far :P
i need to design the plants now lol, it sounds weird just having them be plants cud i can only use their stems and fronds and leaves and stuff to characterize them 😭
btw the vines just don’t know personal space so that’s why they’re strangling the trees
oweeeee me leg feels like jelly :((
why does it take a volleyball 374673929 billion years to arrive
by golly it’s been a whole hecking month 😭😭😭 -
the real volleyball was the friends we made along the way
how does one draw legs????
i think i really miss my bed o wen o wen will thuh nightmare end
im very style 😌 i love meself
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