Hawaii is sinking
Thread Topic: Hawaii is sinking
anywho here’s a lil something im working on :D
i love the colors and the composition can’t lie, im still working on the mountains + death rainbow + silhouette thoo -
whad da freak gotoquiz where did my blueberry go
i can’t see anything >:(
i try again
omg it worked :0 anywho this was it previously so im js incrementing improvements one by one:
i might file a police report on a 21 year old guy dating one of my peers
we’re freshman btw, she’s 14, and from what i hear he’s tried to pursue other freshmen too 😬 one in particular is a close friend of mine who he’s crushed on (and might still be crushing on). she’s his COUSIN 😭😭😭😭 what in the alabama
this 21 year old guy is the same one who offered me a vape in that mickey-mouse alternate universe esque voice. he’s the one i reported to the office
they called the police but i don’t think he was ever arrested, they don’t even have info on him lol -
i have all his info though
i got his full name from another friend of mine. i have his appearance. i have his relations
what concerns me though is the lack of concern from the other people in my grade 😕😕 there’s a predator mucking about (who could be harming others), and they’re more concerned with themselves to care
i asked a close friend of mine who’s also a close friend to the person dating the 21 year old guy if she was actually okay with it, and she said she doesn’t care because it’s not her business
sure it’s not your business but what if your friend’s safety’s at risk? -
dating a minor isn’t illegal but it’s still weird asf 😐
but anywho today was a great day:)) i missed a lot of me friends, was happy to see them in good spirits
screams in i don't want to finish my presentation nor my flyer nor my poster nor any other miscellaneous assigned homework but i have to
can i die :(( just for a little while
im sad rn and i duno why lol -
i didn’t know what i was looking for til i found her
wow i used to be such a pretentious writer lol
“ George was currently jotting succinct memorandums in a compact, smooth leather journal which was propped up in the palms of his hands. From an interval, the chirography was inconceivable to become cognizant of, albeit upon closer scrutinization neat handwriting could be discerned.
He lifted his head as the reverberation of approaching footsteps had been contrasted from the clement zephyr.”
i don’t even know what 200% of these words mean anymore HAHAH 😭😭😭
if i were to rewrite it (i hate this character though EWWWW EWGUHHH >:((() id make it simpler
actually i wanna rewrite it rn for funsies hang on
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