The Gods Of Eygpt
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:37pm
Thread Topic: The Gods Of Eygpt
Cora rolled her eyes and threw her trash away. "Ugh, come on guys. You know I'm not interested in anyone." One girl protested. "Oh, please. What about last year-" Cora interrupted her. "Let's not talk about that, shall we?" The girls giggled and they all went their separate ways. Late in the night, Cora had dreams filled with blood and foul smelling beasts. Ones that flew and other that walked on all fours. Talons, spikes and claws...
Ra layed on his bed all night. He could not sleep. All he thought about was the fight, and if it was going to always be like that. He got bored so he put on shorts and a T and went on a walk. Usally if had done this before he was a rouge hunter he whould have gotten caught and punished. Now he can do as he pleases without harming himself.
Cora awoke gasping. The last thing she saw was metallic wings flapping in her face and then fangs. But it wasn't really that. At least not yet. She sat up patting her neck, forehead and back, all of which were damp with sweat. She would no longer be sleeping here in a few days. She would be moved into a better cabin, one that would be the size of a small house. These were saved for the elite and Rouge hunters. She sighed in relief and layed on her side, facing the window.
Ra kept walking, and then started running. He sprinted into the woods past a cabin. He loved being outside, it gave him the sense of freedom and enjoyment.
(Sorry its short) -
(It's cool)
Just as she started drifting asleep, there was the sound of rustling leaves. It soon faded, but it was enough to get her out of bed. She pulled on boots and a robe over her blue pajama shorts and gray sports bra, and grabbed her bow and arrows before leaving. Off in the distance was a figure, one that looked human. It could've been one, but then again, every once and a while a Rouge would find its way out. She pulled and arrow and quietly jogged towards the figure. -
Ra heard rustling behind him, so he sprinted quicker. He ducked behind a tree, and got ready to fight."You are either out to late, or your dumb for trying to escape!" He shouted, he paused. "State your buisness!"He shouted again
Her cheeks flushed and she quickly pulled her robe around herself. "It's just me. Cora. I heard you and I thought maybe a Rouge has escaped." There was just enough moonlight where she could make out his face.
"Cora?! Oh my gods im sorry." Ra said to Cora in a suprised tone. He got out from the tree, and walked up to her. "Sorry for the threat, just couldn't sleep; So I was going on a long run through the forest. " He said
"It's fine, Ra. I was having nightmares before I woke up..." She gulped and started fidgeting with her bow. Her robe wasn't one of those fluffy ones. It was more of a cardigan, but it was long and made of cotton. She liked soft material against her skin.
"You sure okay, that does not seem to fun. You want to go to a cabin, or start a fire to talk about it." Ra looked at her in concern. "I know this sounds like me hitting on you, but im not only my mother Cora." He said to make things clear.
(lol friend-zoned)
She nodded. "Yeah, I am sure. We could start a fire and talk about it." Cora chuckled at his last response. "I know you're not." There was only the undertone of bugs chirping and making clicking sounds, but besides that, it was quiet. Moonlight streamed through the trees, contouring their faces. Cora found the woods and moonlight peaceful. -
(Totaly, you just wait.)
Ra grabbed a blanket. He stacked some logs grabbed his spear and pointed it at the logs. Watching it burst into flames was cool. "You want something to eat?" he asked. He put a basket of food on the blanket. -
(wait for what? I'm curious now.)
She sat on the blanket, criss-cross style. "Hmm, cheesecake with cherry dressing?" She was well aware that she had let go of her cardigan, but she had walked around the camp grounds in her sports bra working out, so it was no big deal. She closed her eyes feeling the warmth hit her face and stomach. -
"Watch this." Ra snaps his fingers, and opens the basket. "Here you go. Bon appetite." he said in a french accent. "Hope you like it. It comes from one of the most best cheesecake makers in the world." he laughed. "I only give the best to the best." he started to sweat. "One second." He pulled off his shirt to an exposed chest and snapped hs fingers and then came a muscle shirt.
Cora opened her eyes to watch him. She chuckled at his comment. "I wouldn't say I'm the best..." She grabbed a metal fork with small floral details and began eating a slice of cake. When she looked up he had already taken off his shirt. She stopped mid bite. s---, she thought.
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