The Gods Of Eygpt
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:37pm
Thread Topic: The Gods Of Eygpt
Fights were sometimes a bore. Boys would act all big and buff, like they could finally fight a Rouge, but in reality, some couldn't. But this boy seemed to be a fighter. She sat forward in her seat, arms on her knees. Cora considered it lucky of her to find a good fight.
"Lets go buddy, I dont have all day." He sprouted wings. "You are presistent boy." It spoke! "Well stop being loser and lets fight." He stck a blade between his shoulder, and shouder blade. "Argh!" It exagerated in pain. It hit Ra in the stomach. "Fair enough." Ra slams right into the neck and starts to carve it off. "Hurry up I have had enough." Ra stabs through the throat and into heart. The rouge fell and Ra cut off his head and threw it in the burning pile. He then flew over to his instructor. "Well?" Ra said "You passed."
People filed out of the ring after the fight, but Cora decided to jog down the stairs, and hop over the protective railing to congradulate the boy. "Hey, good job down there. I'm assuming you're the son of Hourus by the wings and staff?" She glanced down at the beast, then back to Ra.
Ra looked at the girl in front of him. "Yeah, and skhemet." He said to her. "Who are you? Who is your parent?" he looked at her in question.
(Sorry for the short post, my other posts are going to be longer.) -
(It's cool)
"I'm Cora. Daughter of Isis." She replied. She adjusted the strap from her arrow holder. "Well, later I'm going to fight my own Rouge. And I was wondering if I could get a few pointers for using a dagger. I'm going to use that as my secondary weapon." -
"Um sure, well first off holding it is going to be a little tricky." He said to Cora. He picked up a dagger. "When your holding you want to be in a open battle stance to get the most coverage; and when stabbing you want to hit right between the ribs while your blade is flat and later twist it." He demonstrated on the dead rouge. "Remember that when stabbing with a dagger that you do not want to take your time." He said."Well I hope thats good for pointers. I got to go get armor fitted, and make a weapon. I will be at yor fight. Goodbye." He said
She took note of the boys advice. "Thanks." She said. It couldn't be that hard, in all honesty. It was a simple weapon, one that was good for immediate pain, and possibly a kill. And that's what she was aiming for.
Later that evening, as the sun began to set, Cora made her way to the ring. A few people she knew were already there in the stands. Her instructor was already there holding a few weapons. "Choose wisely." She grabbed the dagger with a wooden handle and with finger intentions. "I recommend this as your first weapon, then the bow if you can get at a distance." She nodded and walked to the center to the ring. It wasn't crowded, probably because she wasn't a big shot here, but there was a decent amount of people. Cora caught sight of the boy from earlier. The entrance closed, and soon the gate where the Rouge was opened. The beast was like a tiger, only twice the size and had glowing, green eyes. Her heart raced with adrenaline. This would not be easy. -
Ra showed up after everything. He had gotten a staff with a magical ability, plus armor. "Cora stay calm, and wear it out. Make it tired." He said shouting. "Ride it out, and dont just charge." He said. He saw the adrenilane rushing through her body. He just wanted her to stay stable. He prayed to his dad to protect her. He always did this to support everyone fighting in the arena. He watched her carefully.
She heard the boy yell in the back ground, and turned his direction, but it was too late. The tiger like creature had pounced on her, pinning her shoulders down. It's black talons dug into her skin. She brought her legs in towards her chest, and then kicked out, digging her heels into its stomach. The Rouge yelped as it flew back. She grabbed an arrow and drew it back, aiming at its chest. The arrow flew and was soon deep in the beasts rib caged. It growled and her and made its way to her. She grabbed the dagger from her pocket and walked to it. A claw came towards her face be before she could dodge and side step the beast. It made an ungraceful landing giving her the chance to stab it below the ear, instantly killing it. The dark blood started seeping through the wound. "I did it." Cora whispered to herself. "Well done." The instructor said. "You might want to get your cheek and shoulders checked, though." She hadn't even realized that it had got her cheeks. Cora brought wiped the warm liquid and looked at her hand. She blinked and started to feel nauseous.
(Cheek* sorry for the long ass post XD and Goodnight I have to go. It's late and a school night.)
He flew out to the Arena. "Cora look at me, and stop thinking about what is on you. You dd what you did to survive." He looked at her. "Its done, and dont get mad it happens to everyone." He looked at her. Just think about right now, not what just happened." he looked at her.
She looked at the boy. "I'm not mad, but how could I not think about what just happened?" She turned to the instructor and asked, "So, did I make it? I killed it." He nodded and took the dagger from her grasp. "I wanted to challenge you on purpose. I figured you would get hurt, but with your ability, the cuts will be scars in the morning."
"Well I have to get set up my cabin be back late." he said with great happiness she passed. He flew to his cabin only to be greated by not one, but two gods. "Ra we need to speak about something." Said Hourus. "I already got the information, and i need time just let me think about this offer." Ra said.
She nodded and left the ring. When she got to her cabin, there was a group of girls there with a plate of cupcakes to congradulate her. "We made your favorite, Cora. Red velvet." She sighed in relief and took one. "Thanks, you guys. I really appreciate this." There was a chorus of 'you're welcome' and 'no problem'. Then, for a moment, there was awkward silence. "What?" She asked, still chewing the cupcake. One girl spoke up. "Well, it's just, you look pretty bad, and now that you're a Rouge hunter, you'll be doing this just about every day." Cora blinked. "But on the bright side, you'll be hunting with that boy most likely." Another girl commented and giggled.
"Ra listen to me, I need you on one of those thrones!" Said Hourus with anger. "Well dad I am not gonna sit on my butt for the rest of my life. Im going to do what I trained for, killing Rouges. Im only doing it to rid the of the dammned creatures." Ra said in response. "Well when you change your mind there is always seat for you." he said fading away slowly.
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