Naruto 1x1
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: Naruto 1x1
Aiko growled. "THAT WAS PERSONAL!" She screamed. "I trusted you, Chika... you betrayed me..." she ran out into the winter night, tears rolling down her cheeks. She hid among the forest, creating a cacoon of moonlight to protect her.
Chika followed after her . The plants wrapping around her body as armour. She didn't trust being out here alone so late at Night.
Aiko curled up, whimpering. She sobbed quietly and held her knees to her chest before suddenly standing and climbing a tree, sitting on a branch as the moonlight left her shaking body.
Chika found her " Aiko" she said " I left out the other parts " she said " The parts with what they did to Tsukiko " she said " I know her well" she said .
" Deidara's village are known for things like this or having organisations doing tehse things given how he grew up I needed his Intel on anything so I can destory that group" -
Aiko shook her head. "Leave me alone!" She yelled, throwing a moonbeam harshly in her direction, trying to knock her back. Her eyes flashed with pure hatred.
Chika easily avoided. " If you haven't noticed I'm well above the rank of a join in terms of abilites"
Aiko growled as she stood, shaking as she directed moon beams in front of her self, letting the end become a loop in front of her head.
( Is she going to hang her self)
Chika used her black tullip jutsu and the space around them was covered by the flower blocking out any light. -
(That's what it looked like. XD dun worry, I wasn't going to make her)
Aiko hit her knees, crying softly. "I heared every word...." she whimpered, beyond pissed. -
She looked at her " He isn't going to tell anyone , he's not going to use it against you"
Aiko shook her head. "I trusted you..." she whislered, shaking her head. Was Tobi the only person she could trust in the organization, or would he betray her too?
" If you weren't aware the masacarce directly affects deidara" she said " Someone from his intermediate family was one of the three people to blame , Deidara is unaware but since he's been with us five attempts on his life by the same ninjas form the organisation orchadtairng clan attacks and massacres have been made"
Aiko looked up, eyes wide, "Master Deidara is in trouble?"she whispered, jumping down and landing harshly on her bare feet, wincing. "What can I do to help?"
" Nothing" she said " Except understand why it was important to tell him this way he'll be somewhat aware without noticing this only few members are aware , MYSLEF , Sasori , Itachi , kisame and nag-Pein-Sama" she said " Deidara him self is completely unaware , otherwise he could get into more danger than usual"
" as far as he's aware he's another unwanted orphan" she said " Instead of the legislate son of a rich noble man and his descended shinobi " wife"" she said " He was a banded after a test revealed his kekkei genkai" she said -
Aiko nodded and looked down. "I can't tell him, can I?" She murmured, referring to Tobi. She always told him everything, unless it meant he'd worry about her. He was the only one she told of her origins after he swore not to tell a soul.
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