Zaney. :D We also soap?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:36pm
Thread Topic: Zaney. :D We also soap?
yeah like tf is up with that s---
He almost told him not to do what he was doing as he completely hadn't realized what he had done. His breathing hitched, however, and he held back on saying anything. He watched the other do as he wished and the side of his lips curled up in a subtlr bout of joy. He recalled the story of the tattoo as Jaspar's fingers traced it. His eyes grew soft as he watched him. -
it's like idek
Jasper noticed the way the older's breath hitched but said nothing of it as he finished tracing the ink down the man's arm, wondering what the meaning behind it was but said nothing. He pulled his hand away when he finished tracing, looking at the ink in wonder still. His true innocence was shining through, his eyes wide and bright and face soft, body relaxed as he looked it over in awe. -
goes to barber
me: hit me with that jb
barber: i gotchu fam
It was almost as though his skin tingled when Jaspar pulled his hand away. He refused and denied himself the liberty of admitting it when he thought that he wanted him to do it again. Turning his head away, he said, "Thank you for not acting like I'm a monster." It always made him feel better when he was in good company with another human being. Life was typically a lot better when he had a friend around. -
Jaspar knew no boundaries when it came to personal space since he didn't really have it friends to tell him, "No, friends don't do that, dude." So, when the older had turned his head away, Jaspar frowned and reached forwards to cup on of the older's cheeks in his hand and turn his head so Kyland was facing him again. "Why would I act like you're a monster? You haven't done anything to prove to me you are. If anything, humans are the real monsters," Jaspar said in a quiet voice. "Do you have anymore tattoos?" -
He was a bit perplexed that the other was so comfortable with touching him despite the fact that he had just seen something that most humans wouldn't handle correctly. He felt a nervous tickle in his stomach and nodded once. "That's a great way look at it." A shaky breath of relief was released from his lips. The question pertaining to his tattoos caught him offguard. "The rest of them are on my top half. I would have to show you, but I don't know how you are about that." -
i hate minions yo
Jasper thought that over for a moment, his head tilting to the side slightly. He normally did that by force of habit when he was thinking, along with biting his lip or chewing on the inside of his jaw. He had done that since he was a kid for some reason. He gave a nervous shrug. "I..I would like to see them, if that's okay with you. I've always been interested in tattoos, just not the idea of giving one.." He shivered at the idea of a needle pressing against his skin to draw permanent ink. -
minions are f---ing disgusting
ahohohohoshutthef---upyou yellow pieceofs---
He itched the back of his neck, nodding. "Okay.." He grabbed the bottom of his sweatshirt, pulling it up in one swift motion. This revealed the tattoo on his chest. His right arm, back, and left bicep weren't visible. "You can look at them and if you have any questions, you can ask." He felt a bit awkward as he never had shown his tattoos in the way that he was doing at that moment. -
ikr like what demon created themmmm
Jasper really didn't think to ask if he could touch before reaching his hand forward and tracing the lines gently with two fingers like he had done with the man's arm. He hoped this was okay because oddly enough, he liked the feel of the man's skin against his fingers and wanted to touch more, maybe. No, he wasn't thinking things like that! He huffed, shaking his head quickly to shake the naughty thoughts out. "What's the meaning behind these?" He asked quietly to distract himself as he continued to trace them. -
idfk but they shouldnt have
Goosebumps crawled onto his skin as the other male's fingers ran along him. It was relaxing for him. "Well, the one on my left arm was done around the time I was bitten. I didn't exactly know how to deal with it, so I got the tattoo to represent both sides of myself. I don't know. It was a stupid one to get. The one that's connected along my back and arm...Well, I got really depressed because when I was turned, I basically left my family behind. I thought it would be cool to have something like that. My mom and dad were artistic and always painted patterns loke that. So I got one that I remembered my dad doing and now it's on me." -
we gotta sue 'em for all they got
Jasper listened with a soft smile on his face. He found the stories to be actually kinda nice. "That's..that's really sweet. The ones that do with your parents. It must have sucked not being able to stay with your family anymore.." He trailed off, not pressing anymore since he assumed the man didn't want to talk about it. Tracing his fingers along the older's skin, he got the sudden urge to be held by Kyland but ignored it, biting his bottom lip as he pulled his hand away reluctantly. It would be a bit weird, he assumed, if his hand were to trail away from the tattoos.. -
for emotional damage
Kyland reached for his sweatshirt, pulling it close to himself. "Are you finished?" he asked this is a very gentle fashion, not wanting it to come off as though he wasn't enjoying the contact. In fact, he was absolutely loving it. Attention was always something he yearned for and because he didn't usually allow himself to have it, he was savoring every second of it. -
yes one million dollar lawsuit
Jasper gave a quick nod, biting his bottom lip in thought once again. "Yeah..Thank you for letting me see them," he said with a small smile, looking at the older through his eyelashes. The man truly was very attractive and the younger found himself in a trance studying his face. He was pretty enough the draw, and Jasper knew he would end up drawing him when he got the chance. Maybe his tattoos as well. Jasper didn't want to go home, though. He wanted to stay here with the older for some reason he couldn't put his finger on. Sure, Kyland was attractive and his personality was stunning, but he was also a guy. Jasper didn't like a guy, did he? He found himself lost in his own thoughts, gazing at the older. -
boy we gon be rich
He slid back into the soft fabric, standing up. Collecting the dishes from dinner, he strolled into the kitchen. "You're welcome," he replied as he created a mess of bubbles in a deep blue sponge he kept handy near the sink. He turned the water on, starting to wash the dishes. He preferred for his house, dishes, and well...everything to be as clean as possible. The dishes were only one part of that and keeping them in top shape at the right times aided him when it came to big cleaning days -
get alllll the strippers with dat cash
Jasper blinked a few times and watched the man walk out to clean the dishes, smiling. He had noticed that the man liked to keep everything clean. His car, his home, his stuff. It was kinda relaxing and a nice change from his home. Jasper didn't move from where he was sitting but curled up in a comfortable ball and turned back to the telly where a new cartoon was playing. He felt a bit rude not helping Kyland do the dishes and instead focusing on cartoons but it was just a part of his personality. Jasper moved himself so he could rest his head on the edge of the couch while sitting on the floor, watching the telly with interest. -
boi u know it
The dishes were a simple task and that task was completely within only a span of two minutes. He dried them and put them away in their designated cabinets. After wiping down the countertops and moving things back into their original places, he made his way back into the living room. He recalled how worried that male's mother had been previously and so he asked, "Are your parents okay with you hanging out here? Or do they not know?" He sat back in his seat on the couch, waiting patiently for a response. He would not want to be the one to get him into any bit of trouble with his family. He thought that that was always the worst -- having bad blood with the people that a person was supposed to love. He slid his shoes off, pushing them underneath the table with his foot.
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