Lucky :D
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: Lucky :D
Ace whimpered, looking up to Pierce. White fear filled his face, as he began to shake. Biting his lip, he avoided the bigger man's glance. He eventually sputtered out his words, "A-ace." He hardly managed his name, and his voice wavered terribly. He was abusing his lip terribly, his teeth mangling it without mercy.
Unfortunately for Pierce, and fortunately for Ace, the pitiful response snapped something in the older man. His anger vanished as his gentler personality emerged, and he immediately knelt down beside Ace, taking his hand off of him. His brows furrowed in worry. "I'm...sorry. You don't have to be afraid." he backed away, looking guilty and confused. It wasn't often that this side of him came out, so why now? Why for some kid he didn't even know?
Ace was shaking violently at this point. He was slowly calming down, wondering if he should trust this man or not. After a few moments he decided to trust him, as he would be spending a great deal of time with this man, since they were roommates. He decided to attempt at speaking, hoping his stuttering wouldn't get to him. "W-wha-t's your name?" Ace's stuttering had got to him, which he was internally embarrassed for as he looked over the room, avoiding eye contact with the other male.
Pierce sat down across from him, legs crossed. "My name's Pierce." he smiled softly. "I'm stuck in here for liking beer a little too much. And, uh, like you saw, I'm usually an a--hole." He shrugged apologetically. "What about you? Why'd you get sent in here?" he questioned, tilting his head and blowing a bit of hair out of his face.
Ace automatically clammed up- remembering that night. He knew that Pierce would eventually have to know, so he answered, shakily, "My f-family wo-rried about me after a-an incide-nt of uh.. Sexual assault." He admitted, staring down at himself. "Rape, to be exact." He mumbled, darkly. Ace felt himself sinking into a dark place, angered by himself opening up to a stranger.
Pierce exhaled slowly, running a hand through his hair. "f---, that's...bad. I'm sorry." Again, he surprised himself, feeling sorry for a total stranger. "I...I am sorry." That explained why he was so timid, why he seemed so afraid of Pierce. And the stuttering, although honestly that was sort of cute.
"I-it's okay.. I-I'm f-f-fine. J-just a little p-post traumatic stress, t-that's a-a-all." He stuttered, shyly. Ace didn't want the older man to feel bad for him- he hated sympathy. Over the past few months, he had received enough sympathy to last him a life time, and it aggravated Ace. He snuggled into his clothes, having a lack of warmth. He wished he was wearing his baggy gray hoodie that he treasured so much. In fact, he had been wearing it when the accident happened. Although that might depress most, Ace found it more encouraging to wear it.
Pierce nodded, pushing himself to his feet. He held out a hand, slowly, so he didn't scare him. "Whatever you say. Is there anything that sets you off? Like, I don't like blood." He smiled a little. "You should probably take advantage of this time while you can, I'm never quite sure when the big bad wolf will come out."
"L-lots of things." He answered, hardly able to talk. He felt his throat begin to close as he wasn't used to being so social. "T-too many..." He found himself choking on his own words. Ace finalized, "to count." The last few words were strong and unwavering, which he smiled at a little, as any time he didn't shutter he found it quite empowering. The red head shook the other's hand, gently and wimpishly, as he was still unsure about the situation.
Pierce gripped his hand and pulled him up, though he quickly let go of him, again not wanting to scare him. "Okay, anything specific I shouldn't say or do?" he asked gently, tilting his head again. He sat back on his bed. He was taller than Ace, he didn't want make him nervous by towering over him.
Ace stood awkwardly, putting his hands behind his back. "Erm, not re..really." He nibbled his lip, looking over to his roommate. Nervousness filled him as his knees shook terribly. He went to go sit on his bed, hugging his body close together to make a mock feeling of security. Ace looked back to the ground, not wanting to look at Pierce to long for fear of insulting the older, stronger, taller man.
Pierce smiled gently again. "Okay, that's okay. I'd love to say I'll be here for you, but..." he sighed. "I can't. But, if I am being rude, just tell me to shut up. I know it might be hard for you, but you have to seem confident. I- I won't listen otherwise." he looked slightly pained for a moment. "I...I'm going to get some sleep. Good night, Ace."
"O-okay." The fearful boy also retreated to under the covers of his bed, shaking gently. He was quite tired for an emotional roller coaster, but knew he wouldn't sleep. He fouls have terrible nightmares of that night- causing him to be sleep deprived and paranoid. Sleep had been rare for Ace since that night, and had gotten used to functioning without sleep. The boy wrapper his arms around his body as he tried his best not to think about the cold, dark allyway and the tall, evil man..
Pierce was asleep in seconds, but he too had nightmares. He'd accidentally hurt his little brother once, in a drunken rage, and he'd never forgiven himself. He slept deeply, but before long, he started to toss and turn, groaning and muttering.
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