Sixteen Candles
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:33pm
Thread Topic: Sixteen Candles
Fully transformed, Grey crept into the backyard. This form was much larger, standing roughly seven feet tall at the shoulder. She silently sneaked along behind the other beast, waiting for her chance to strike. She could smell another creature or two upwind, and felt panic rising in her chest. The dragon took her chance and leapt up onto the roof of the porch, scrambling to get herself up onto it. Her claws scraped against the roofing, causing some of it to fall to the ground. She pulled herself up and found that the space sagged under her weight, causing her to race toward the beast with newfound urgency. She grasped its tail in her jaws just as it tried to jump through the window.
(wait, what is it?)
Fully transformed, Grey crept into the backyard. This form was much larger, standing roughly seven feet tall at the shoulder. She silently sneaked along behind the other beast, waiting for her chance to strike. She could smell another creature or two upwind, and felt panic rising in her chest. The dragon took her chance and leapt up onto the roof of the porch, scrambling to get herself up onto it. Her claws scraped against the roofing, causing some of it to fall to the ground. She pulled herself up and found that the space sagged under her weight, causing her to race toward the beast with newfound urgency. She grasped its tail in her jaws just as it tried to jump through the window. -
(It's a snake woman my dream wonderful pet. I was going to reveal that~)
He heard something hiss loudly and a few pieces of the back porch fall onto the ground, which caused him to turn around only to see a green scaly hand try and reach for his window. He rushed over only to see a small figure and something huge in his back yard, causing his gut to squirm a bit.
The snake woman hissed at Grey, speaking with a slight lisp because of her tongue. "You evil little drrragon." She hissed. "You ruined my sssupper." Then the snake woman smirked. "Unlessss you want to sssshare~" of course she was just holding off until her companions came to save her. -
Jaw clamped down tightly on the serpent's tail, Grey allowed herself to fall off of the roof and into the garden below. She pinned the creature to the ground, not sure whether she should kill it or show mercy. Eventually, she lifted the snakelike woman and tossed her out into the forest, hopefully knocking her out. Then the dragon's gaze returned to the window, and she eyed Joseph with uncertainty. It would be in their best interest, as friends, for her to take him and hide somewhere. But would either of them be willing? She needed more information as to why all of these creatures, herself included, were going after him.
He closed his blinds quickly when he noticed something was staring at him, the big thing was actually, but he felt like it was still staring even throught the curtains and the blinds. He shook his head and heard low hisses from the garden again, not wanting to look out there again to see any of the weirdness he saw earlier. He squeezes his eyes closed and tried to block out the noise.
Two more snake women slithered slowly into his backyard, noticing Grey and their companion, but then knowing their companion was missing from the yard. They hissed loudly at her, a very threatening and warning hiss as if to say be ready, as they both moved in to attack. -
She brought in her leathery wings as they approached, then threw them back out when they were in range, knocking the attackers away. She pounced on one, tearing at her with sharp claws. Grey then turned and looked to the other, who was climbing up the porch.
Joseph heard a loud hissing noises, like it was having a fight with something outside, maybe it was the bigger shadow thing. He then started to hear something scrape up the side of the house and near his window, causing him to move away quickly, which was a smart move since a scaly green hand smashed through the window. He screamed and grabbed a book of the shelf, throwing it at the thing at was breaking through his window.
The serpent fell from the window and onto the ground, where Grey had been waiting to attack it. She brought a large paw down on it, digging in a few of her talons. She eventually let go and batted the creature across the yard, not taking time to watch it slither back to the forest. She looked up at the window, trying to figure out how to reach the terrified human. Eventually she climbed back up and stuck a paw the larger than his chest into the room, trying to grab him.
He started to panic more when he saw a larger scaly hand reach for him, causing him to squirm away a bit before the thing could even get to him. He threw another book at this nee threat as he thought of ways to escape, though he didn't notice that it had grabbed onto his hoodie.
(wait i remembered my concern from before about this one... what are we going to do like?? do you have a plan)
The book bothered her just enough to jerk her paw back a bit, bringing the boy and his hoodie with her. She carefully pulled him out the window, allowing him his time to struggle, then made a fist loosely around his body. They needed to leave before anyone else showed up to try to attack. Grey put the human on her shoulders, right before her wings, and took off without giving him much thought. -
(My wonderful sel I always have a plan. They could go on the run since now he's gonna be hunted by monsters and well if you have anything else you'd like to add just say)
He squealed lightly, which was an unmanly thing for him to do when the giant beast flew off into the air, causing him to start hyperventilate because he was up so high. He closed his eyes and prayed for this to end and so he could wake up and this all be a very terrifying dream. -
(i trust you, dork. also i go by pine)
She flew for a little while, heading out to the forest immediately and trying to avoid any areas where humans would definitely be. It was almost night, so the darkening sky above helped Grey blend in somewhat. The trees of the forest seemed to stretch on forever, and she immediately started to regret her decision. Roughly forty minutes later, she successfully found a large enough clearing to land in, and they hit the ground with a gentle thud. She immediately knelt in hopes of getting the human off of her back, forgetting that the dark of the forest meant that he could hardly see. -
Yah trust~:3 okay pine)
When Joseph felt the giant beast land and try to get him off, he slid slowly to the ground until he slammed into it by landing on his back. He hissed slightly and sat up slowly, seeing that he wasn't near his house anymore. He crawled away from where he thought the beast was and ran into a tree. "S-stay away from me!" he yelled, holding his arms up hoping the beast wouldn't hurt him. -
She could easily see him through the dark, and crept over, intentionally breathing loudly enough for him to hear her. She wasn't going to transform yet, knowing that they could still get attacked at any time. Instead of approaching and trying to grab him again, she lit a small flame in front of him, hoping it would come off as peaceful.
He tried to back up further away from the monster, but he only ran into the tree again. He looked down at the flame and saw the monster slightly, but the flames only lit up enough for him to see maybe a enough of a leg and even a wing, causing him to understand that the beast was a dragon.
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