Killing Pain [1 x 1]
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:32pm
Thread Topic: Killing Pain [1 x 1]
Brah don't even
Noel Kaine
Noel has been attending college for the last four years, and is on his way to a Master's in film. Even knowing this, he would hardly have any motivation apart from his boyfriend. Lately, though, his love has been acting a bit strange.
He loves bowties and coffee. -
I do even
Benedict (Ben/Benny) Harris
He's never considered himself a bad person, even after his addiction started. In fact, he continues to deny to himself that he even has an addiction, because he is a generally good person and good people just don't get addicted to prescription pain killers. He's a very gentle person, as long as he can get his fix, and works as a substitute middle school teacher. He isn't particularly in love with his work, but he's alright with it, although he plans to depend more on Noel in the future as long as his career does well. -
Psssssh you start :D -
Noel really, really hated his job. Working in retail had been something that was only supposed to be part-time, while he was in high school. Just to pay for gas. But now, he worked whenever he wasn't at school, and, oh, he hated it. Hated the snobby customers, the rude higher-ups, and the stupid, long hours. It didn't help that today he was on inventory.
Of course, he had other things on his mind as he clocked out to head home. Ben would already be there, hopefully, he would already have dinner done. Maybe they could talk about it over a meal. Though, Noel didn't see how that was going to make it any better. -
(ooomg I googled all the symptoms for this and the symptoms of withdrawl
I'm not using most of it because wow)
Benedict had taken his third round of pills already that day, and he was practically numb as he made dinner. His mind, a fuzz, was plucking ingredients from the fridge and cabinets in a mostly logical form. It was supposed to be breakfast for dinner, so he had eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage. It didn't even occur to him as odd when he set the two food-filled plates on the dining table and, for some reason, the toast was really toasted hot dog buns covered in butter.
The pills weren't bad for him, though, was what he would always tell himself. And maybe it was because they made him feel good, made him numb and indestructable to the world around him. For whatever reason, he liked taking them. He sat down at the table, knowing Noel would be home soon. -
(Sorry about the short post. Mobile sucks.)
Noel's car was pulling in the drive as Ben moved to sit down. The older man could see him through the window. With a smile, he headed inside, not even noticing the odd choice in bread as he kissed Ben's forehead. He sat down, though, becoming serious. "Baby, we have to talk."
He had been putting it off, wanting to keep from having another fight in his already cracking relationship. -
(It's okay)
Ben was doing just fine, until Noel got into a different tone of voice. It wasn't his favorite, it was the kind that he'd been loathing to hear for the past few months. "Mm? What is it, love?" He asked, folding his hands on the table in front of him and looking up to his partner. "Is something the mader? The matter?" He corrected himself quickly, knowing the word sounded wrong as soon as it slipped out. -
He held back a choked sob. Ben had been slipping lately, and he hadn't known why until he found the bottles. Pain medication, that had been given to Ben for headaches, completely empty weeks before it should have been. Sighing, he moved to grasp one of his hands, starting. "You know I love you, right, Benny? I want to marry you some day, have a family. You know that, right? I would do anything for you, okay? But I need you to be honest. Completely honest. Are you.. Are you.. God, Ben, I don't know how to say it. Is there something wrong?"
Ben looked his partner in the eyes, trying to read if he meant what Ben thought Noel meant. If it was, he didn't know whether to deny it, whether he shook shake his head and say he'd never taken a single extra pill. "I don't know what you mean, I'm just fine," he said, slowly, noticing how he could hardly feel that Noel had even taken his hand.
"No, no, baby, you're not. You're really not." He sighed, stroking his hand with his thumb, raising it to his lips to kiss. "How can you pretend you are? You're not.. Ben. Are you taking more medication than you should be?" There was really no other way to say it, my Noel still winced.
"Well. Well," he smiled, oddly, shifting in his seat. His gaze locked on his plate of food. "No, I'm not, I'm taking what I'm supposed to, Nole. Noel. I'm sorry, I don't know why I keep doing that. Are you hungry? Can we eat?"
"Don't lie to me," He muttered, his voice raising. He dropped Ben's hand, standing to pace, worrying his bow tie. "Don't lie to me, Ben! The hell do you think you're doing? Not helping yourself! You.. I found an empty bottle.. Those pills should have lasted the rest of the month, baby," He sat back down, trying to be reasonable. "Please. You have a problem"
Ben tried to swallow his pride, but practically choked on it and he spit the same stuff right back out. "I'm taking what I need to, I've got headaches and I take the pills. If I have an ache, then I take the pills. There's notting- nothing wrong, stop saying that." He felt ridiculous, like one of those dreams where you show up to school utterly naked- he couldn't stop the effects, then, no matter how hard he tried, and since he'd only taken the pills a little bit ago it was only getting worse. And it was the worst time for it.
"See? Baby, baby please, I can't.. I know, it may seem like you don't, but you have a problem. An addiction. And it's just going to get worse," He pleaded, finally glancing down at the buttered hot-dog bun. "Are we out of bread, love? Or can you explain the hotdog buns."
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