Jane and Lobo make a thing.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:31pm
Thread Topic: Jane and Lobo make a thing.
Tim talked to Reddion for a little bit, about how the shifts of all the staff had been changing around a bit, but no more than they usually did. Reddion told the blind man about how it was getting a bit more tedious to take the night shift guarding outside the front doors because it was getting so cold out.
Tim thought he heard the manager talking somewhere else in the room, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty about having left the man's office to suddenly after a rather... Generous offer. He tried to dismiss it, and nodded in response to whatever Reddion was saying. -
(Sorry again. Kinda busy. Thank you for being patient.)
Somehow, their conversation worked it's way to mythical creatures. Merc confided that he had never cared for vampires, never saw their appeal as the rest of the world was going into a blood-sucker phase. This lead them to arguing over the better of the Twilight characters, though Merc had only ready half a book, and seen about a quarter of one of the movies. Still, he insisted that Jacob was totally hot, and totally better than Jasper, mainly because, well, Jasper was a vampire.
The conversation went on for another five minutes before he bid her goodbye, and strode over to the couch, greeting Reddion with a false smile. He broke into the conversation because the guard and the blind man, telling him about the problem with the phones, asking if he had seen anything. Unintentionally, he ignored Tim completely. -
(It's okay, I understand~ Don't worry about it)
Reddion caught sight of the manager, and immediately stopped talking to Tim, giving his full attention to learning about the phone. This left Tim just a little confused for a moment, because to him it simply seemed like Reddion had stopped talking for no apparent reason. Once he caught on, after a few seconds, that he was simply talking to Mercury, the blind man felt a little awkward.
Reddion replied, "No, I haven't seen anythin'. I was up front all day, but I can move back there and keep watch if you want me to." Meanwhile, Tim twiddled his thumbs, trying to decide if they would notice if he walked away. -
"No, not necessary," He sighed, shaking him head. "We'll have to change the locks, though. I need the keys gathered up, so I can find out who had access and who didn't." Mercury inhaled, running a hand through his already ruined hair. And he had worked so hard on it that morning, too.
After a moment of thought, he turned his attention towards Tim, clearing his throat. He had to remind himself that the man was blind, and not deaf, because he had barely avoided addressing him in a way-too-loud voice. "Tim, will you follow me to my office, please?" -
Tim, all of a sudden, felt very small when he was called upon, like a kid getting called to the principal's office. He'd started to think that maybe he could walk out when Mercury addressed him. ".. Yes, of course," he nodded slightly, standing up from the couch.
He knew very well where he was in the room, was sure that he wasn't about to bump into any furniture, and he knew the way to the office from here. What he was worried about was the manager walking away without telling him. "Right now?" He asked, both of his hands raised slightly from his sides as if he was afraid to bump into the other man. -
"Right now," He confirmed, moving towards the door, motioning for Tim to follow him. He scolded himself, though, because the man couldn't see what he was doing. However, his movement did had some effect. Chairs moved back, and feet were put under tables so that Tim had a clear walk way. Marc smiled, glad that there would be no chance of him tripping over something.
And then his phone buzzed. Merc sighed, and pulled it out, answering the call that happened to be from his neighbor. Zeke had dug under the gate of his pen, and was now roaming the side walk in front of the two houses. Mercury apologized, and asked for his dog to be put up, saying that he would head home in about an hour to fix the hole. He put his phone away, looking up at Tim. -
Tim was listening for his manager's feet to step, so that he'd know how far ahead he was, but the sound ended up being jumbled by people shuffling around to accomodate his pathway. While he appreciated that they didn't want him to fall, he was too afraid to move until he heard Mercury start talking. Finally, Tim walked forward, ending up stopping in front of where Mercury was standing in the doorway, waiting patiently for his phone call to end.
(Bumping this 'cause it is kind of drowning in the aliveness of the forum cx)
(I am so sorry I got very distracted. ;; w ;;)
Mercury sighed, and muttered an apology to Tim, holding the door open for the man. Without a word, he lead him to his office, closing and locking the door behind them, retiring to his chair. He stayed silent for a moment, but when he spoke, his tone was slow. It was the tone he would use to speak to someone who didn't know his language, and he dropped it after a few seconds. "Tim, listen. There's no way you can support yourself and a kid on food stamps alone. Please. Come stay with me. Just for a bit. You can take care of the house for me as payment. I'd love to help you in any way I can." -
(It's okay~)
Tim followed the man to the office, and when they got there, he found himself a chair in front of the manager's desk. It was exactly the conversation he'd expected to be having. "But I don't know your house at all. I know where everything is in my house, but if I was carrying the baby somewhere else I might bump into something and drop her.. I can't take your money, either. I just... Can't see myself taking such a huge favor from you." -
"You could learn. You know where everything is here, don't you? And this is a lot bigger than my house. It wouldn't take you very long at all," He pleaded. Mercury was overstepping so, so many boundaries right now. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing softly as he tried to think of another good argument to try and convince the man, but all he was doing was drawing blanks.
Tim couldn't think of another reason that he shouldn't live at Mercury's house. Besides, maybe, the manager later regretting the charitable decision. "And you wouldn't mind me being there? Not at all?"
"Not at all. It would mean I wouldn't have to worry about the house while I'm away." He smiled a bit, knowing that the other man was giving in. There were other reasons, too. Such as not being alone anymore.
Tim was silent for a moment, pursing his lips. "I guess, maybe," he finally breathed in response. The idea wasn't so bad, after all. It was only Timothy's own worries of feeling out of place in the home that made him nervous.
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