take the quiz HOW COOL R U QUIZ
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:20pm
Thread Topic: take the quiz HOW COOL R U QUIZ
wolf75677 Novicei dont care words dont hurt me mother fuc***
If it didn't then you wouldn't be responding that way.
That's what they all say.
wolf75677 Novicethanks, i guess
wolf75677 Novicei was talking about other people carri
Alright. Sorry, I thought you were talking about me. >.>'
wolf75677 Noviceits all good, look at the top post and anser
Dude, sorry about the criticism. I admit I can be a little to direct sometimes. But like Ting and Bob said you should use the criticism of others (even if its bad) to help you make the things you create better.
wolf75677 Novicenice advice,i can admit,i can criticise people alot.one last thing,can you add friends on hear like facebook
unfortunately, no.
wolf75677 Novicedangit
wolf75677 Noviceim gonna leave in about 5 minutes so post fast ill be back on tomorrow at around 2pm and 12-1am
My second to last quiz is #52 on the charts and I made last night.
Its called how hard would you punch justin bieber. -
Text speak is like uncooked chicken. Its faster but it lets people down.
wolf75677 Noviceagree
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