- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that almost all of the girlz on gtq are going through a phase?
maybe a little crabiness
idk, i just find it wierd -
im not going through deression, ok, maybe a little
I am, but I'm starting to get the hang of controlling it..
see? ish just so wierd
idk how to control it yet, kinda, but not really. i try to hang out with people that make me laugh and try to stay constantly busy, reading a good book, watching a dumb comedian, stuff like that. but when i'm in bed, it comes at me, and for the past three nights i've cried myself to sleep. i'm starting to delvelop signs of insomnia -
i've alwayz been depressed. i just cover it up.
even when im torturing sick?
0nce in a while I cry myself to sleep.. it's weird to me.. But usaully when I have my period that's when I'm... yuu know..
lol, yeah. i could be laughing my ass off and still be sad inside.
im alwayz either depressed or incredibly pissed. sometimes i'm in good moods. -
Yeah same with me Vampi
i dont...
â†â†â† NOT EVEN ME!
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