Sisi's Profile

Joined on Aug 24, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Sisi's Quizzes
- What Band Shall I Introduce You To Today? (Indie!)[published: Jun 28, 2012, 1 comment]
I'm just sort of realized only one of my bands is REALLY Indie, but don't let……
- How Beautiful Are You?[published: Jun 15, 2012, 15 comments]
America's Next Top Model, Miss America, that girl/ boy that all the boys/ girls want at your school. The……
- What Should You Do Over Summer Vacation?? :D[published: Mar 17, 2012, 2 comments]
There's a 104 days of summer vacation, and school comes along just to end it, so……
- How Well Do You Know SiSi?!?!?![published: Aug 14, 2011, 2 comments]
There ish many people here on GTQ, but only a handful truly know me, the Amazing Sisi!!! xD If……
- Do YOU Know KrEaYsHaWn?!?![published: Jul 29, 2011, 1 comment]
Ok, so many people do not know about Kreayshawn. But the main facts: She's a white, female rapper,……
- Which of My StErEotYpES Are YOU?!?![published: Jul 26, 2011, 14 comments]
Alright, so I was bored and made this quiz. This is defintely not one of my best ones and if……
- Which Type of Meat Are YOU?![published: Jun 26, 2011, 7 comments]
Okay, so this is a random quiz i felt like making. If you are a vegetarian, I don't care, but it's……
- The Super-powers Series: Which ESP Power Do You Have?[published: Jun 22, 2011, 5 comments]
There are many people who THINK they have ESP, some who KNOW they DON'T……
- How Much of a Friend Are You to Me?!?[published: Jun 21, 2011, 6 comments]
There are many people out there, but are you a person that could be one of my friends? :O……
- What's Your Japanese Name? (For Boys!!!)[published: Jun 21, 2011, 15 comments]
There are many people out there who have names, but not all of them have a Japanese……
- What Is Your Japanese Name? (For Girls!!)[published: Jun 20, 2011, 39 comments]
This quiz is kind of like a personality quiz, only I chose a Japanese name that best……
- Are You Living Drama, Or Life?!?[published: Apr 21, 2011]
Many people live life, but many also live life in drama. Which are you? Dramatic or down to……
- How Poetic Are You?[published: Mar 19, 2011, 4 comments]
There are many people who like poetry, and like to write it, but sometimes that don't know all that much.……
- Where Will You Be in 5 Years?[published: Mar 19, 2011, 16 comments]
Many people wonder what there future will hold, and MANY are scared by it. But if want a……
- So You Think You Know Animals???[published: Mar 17, 2011, 4 comments]
Many animals, many humans. Actually, WAYYY more animals than humans, but who's counting? I AM!……
- To Kill A Lovebird[published: Mar 06, 2011, 6 comments]
Okay, so we all know there are a lot of sluts out there, right? Like those who will die for sex and love. But……
- How SmArT Are YOU??? (50% Accurate)[published: Jan 23, 2011, 5 comments]
This quiz is full of random trivia, so are you ready to see how smart you are? There's……
- Over Here!!! :D[published: Jan 22, 2011, 11 comments]
There are many people on GTQ, but do they belong in the forums? If you are wondering, come here! Do you even……
- Where Do You Fit In Best?[published: Dec 26, 2010, 10 comments]
Many places around the world appeal to people, but where do you truly fit in? The beach, or in a……
- Can You Be One of The Ladies??[published: Dec 18, 2010, 2 comments]
There are many girls out there who long to be in that popular girl group, but could you be one of……
- Soulmate or Just A Friend?[published: Sep 18, 2010, 3 comments]
There are many, many boys out there, but are you meant for me? A friend, a soulmate, or just another……
- The Ultimate Game of 7 Minutes in Heaven![published: Sep 12, 2010, 30 comments]
I hope you enjoy my Ultimate version of seven minutes in heaven! This one is uper……
- What Dance Move Are You?[published: Aug 31, 2010, 4 comments]
Wondering what dance move would suite you? TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!!! There a four different dance moves,……
Sisi's Recent Posts
"I know you're probably like, "WTF Sisi, I'm not fat, and love yourself the way you are! If you want to track calories, go on weight watch..."
"@Appa OMG xD @Icy Just wear a tampon. :p I go to the lake all the time on my period, just get the 'heavy duty' kind :/"
"Poo, I gotta go. ): I hope the MN buddies will talk more! Later Carla (:"
"D: Jank. But tennis seems less...agressive than lacrosse. And I'm not really sure. :/ All I know of is the AP courses, and besides t"
"@Sel Late post, and I don't think thats true...xD I got to face-paint a bunch of sweaty little kids at a Fourth of July fair."
"@Sel I think that had both it's pro's and con's. You don't have to deal with boy drama, but you also don't get another...species... to talk ..."
"Us Minnesotans are pretty awesome... and yes I do. :3"
"@Sel Yes, I do :/ MINNESOTA BUDDY! Eh, it's hard when I can't get my s--- together. @Sick I haven't even got a"
"o.o I don't think that's a good sign. When there are things from real life in your dreams, it's normally an omen to what the fantasy is tell..."
"i feeling depressed again because this year i'm starting f---ING high school, all of my friends seem to have their lives in order, i can't e..."
"That's fine. I'm just here for a little soaping (:"
"I promise, promise, promise I won't leave until at least the first four pages, if at all! Please ^.^"
"That looks soooo pretty. Ive just grown my hair out so I wouldnt wanna cut it short :P"
"Not it >:D"
"Name: Elona Other: Is a great archer, but is small and under-estimated. Belongs to a small gang. Personality: Shy, sneaky, but"
Sisi's Recent Quiz Comments
"80% :D Yeah buddy"
1 -
"90% Yeah, I took an advanced Algebra class in 7th grade, I should know this."
1 -
"Purple? XD Okay, but I don't put up immense walls, or have scars."
1 -
"Thanks for taking my quiz! List reccomendations here! Have a lovely day :)"
1 -
"80%.... and I'm in 8th grade XD"
1 -
"60% I've traveled there a couple times, so I should know a thing or two. XD Nice quiz, except who really pays attention to the roads?"
1 -
"This quiz was like asking for my opinion, and when it comes to vampires everyone has their own opinion on what they're like. Otherwse nice…"
1 -
"You're dog would do great!
Unless he doesn't get distracted! Cats, rabbits, bikers. But otherwise I can sprint with him for hours…"
1 -
"90% :D
I'm just good like that"1 -
"The ocean! So true, even though I live inland... Great quiz! "