Thread Topic: alexithymia
When the romanticism wears off and I realise how long I spent crashing out over an actual loser
or just something that didn’t matter at all and I was fr having a breakdown over it ;-;
Why are lights so bright like jeez calm down lightbulb overachievers
I’m so touch starved but I hate when people touch me
I’m so overstimulated at the moment good lord
How do I get this to stop I don’t want to crash out every time someone gets too close or makes any sound or moves
I feel like it’s not talked enough about how Australian white people are so openly racist
The n-word is constantly thrown around by white people, I hear it at least once a week from a random white person in school. The stereotypical “Australian” is a bogan accented blond guy with blue eyes and freckles
90% of the people I interact with on a daily basis don’t sound like that
I hate the way we erase indigenous culture and reduce aboriginal people to “stupid brutes” or go “womp womp” when they talk about their country being colonised
It’s so disgusting like can we not -
And some aboriginals are white people with blond hair and blue eyes. I’ve seen people like that. We’re not all European and it’s stupid how erased everything is
I legit don’t understand how me and my sister were raised by the same people
I wish my mother would stop pushing skincare onto me it’s feels so disgusting
i genuinely cannot do people today just ew no thanks
I keep picking my skin
Luckily my super sigma fringe covers the bad ones but good lord Alexi stop -
The favouritism my parents have for my sister is crazy
They all hate me
I was actually doing good today but it didn’t last
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