Thread Topic: alexithymia
I didn’t realise I was on the list of people to go to like thanks I think
I dont do that to people like unless you’ve vented to me lots only then I’ll start venting to you to test the waters yk
Like am I allowed to since you are now I genuinely don’t know -
It’s such a bittersweet feeling when someone vents to you for the first time like I’m flattered but you’re feeling horrible right now and oftentimes you won’t come to me again for whatever reason
I’m on meds now ig
My doctor said it wouldn’t have side effects since it’s a low dose so I’m not going to go down a rabbit hole of googling to make sure it doesn’t affect my weight
“AlL hIs sTaTeMeNtS dUrInG tHe ElEcTiOnS wErE tRuE”
Right because transgender aliens in prison exist
And they’re definitely eating domestic animals somewhere in America mhm -
I hate when people only stop supporting trump because of the eCoNoMy or tArIfFs like how you can tolerate his CONSTANT misogyny, transphobia, racism and CREEPINESS TO HIS DAUGHTER is beyond me
Like “I liKe tRuMp bUt I tOw tHe LiNe aT tArIfFs oN cAnAdA” asjfkakshbd
He’s always been a pedo, a misogynist, a sexist, a transphobe, and a creep but you chose to disregard that because apparently a black woman is worse -
And you don’t get to say “oH I dIdN’t kNoW” or “oH I dIdN’t bELiEvE iT” because you had the chance to educate yourself but you didn’t because you’re ignorant and you don’t care
You don’t get to complain about the man you put in office -
Splish splash your opinion is trash
Like you don’t support trump because he’s putting tariffs on Canada ok that’s cool
but you DID support him even though you KNEW he’a a grapist, a sexist, a racist, a transphobe, a homophobe, and a selfish piece of s--- like honey please -
You chose to support him despite knowing he’s a horrible person and that’s all I need to know about you
Completely unrelated but mb for experiencing human emotions ig
My fault gang I didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to be depressed -
I already don’t like today
Can everyone just shut up for one day
Can we just have one day where we don’t say anything and all just shut our mouths for one day -
Wow now all my problems are solved because I took one antidepressant
Mother stfu -
Wow now I don’t have to go to therapy or experience negative emotions because I’m on meds now that’s crazyyyy
The way she looked so proud of herself too
Like thanks for being such a good mother and solving all my problems with medication ig
Tell me you don’t care about my emotions the moment they’re not convenient without telling me you don’t care about my emotions the moment they’re not convenient -
so like there's a chance im autistic but the quiz we did was like for people several years my age so not pretty accurate for me so either there's much more of a chance im autistic than the chance i got or much less of a chance than the chance i got
this is confusing but uh therapy was ok -
It’s at times like these I remember why I don’t like my mum
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