Looking Out
Thread Topic: Looking Out
I feel like the depression is creeping back in after i found out he got out.
VENT topic [aita ver.]: AITA for feeling like my mothers in the wrong still being with her husband?
So, in my previous rants/vents I’ve been mentioning “him”. My mother has the tendency to go back to him once he was out of jail but still on house arrest. Everytime shes on the phone with him I can’t help but feel uncomfortable or sickened with his voice after what he has done to me. I feel as if my mother doesn’t understand my problem with HIM in general. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m lying which I’m not. I may not have proof of all that has happened to me but, I’M the VICTIM, she will NEVER understand what I had to go through while she was working. I still don’t know how she would still be with him and support him of anyway. I just, I just don’t enjoy her as much of right now. It’s a problem because she’s trying to be my bestie, I just feel really uncomfortable with her knowing that she is still in love with a person who sickens. -
Watch me crashout lmao
rant topic: STAY TF AWAY FROM ME.
Anyways, back in my 8th grade year I had this friend. Sadly I liked her but her cousin didnt like it and literally spread rumors abt me even tho, WHEN WE WERE PLAYING ROBLOX I WASNT CALLING HER A RAT MY OTHER FRIEND DID. She thought i would do smth abt it. Jump up to 9th grade, she still has a grudge even tho I switched schools and she made a whole ass hate account with my deadname 😛, I get shes a 10 y/o but still she didnt have to do all tht…I wanted to rant abt her cus this is an experiences tht actually will go on a note that I’m not gonna be proud of. -
rant topic [very common] : DAMN HALLWAYS.
CHAT. This is a rant but idk if i should put it in my Tweaking Corner thread or here cus its a rant but yet again its also common around school parts but ima js put it in here js to be safe w rants btw replies are welcome… ANYWHO. IM ACTUALLY SO MAD CUS THESE PEOPLE DON’T KNOW HOW TO WALK IN THE HALLWAYS LIKE THEY LIKE HOGGING IT OR BEING SLOW WALKING I GET YOUR TALKING TO YOUR FRIEND BUT DAMN YALL WILL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN 😭😭😭 GET OUT MY WAY CUS I NEED TO GET TO CLASSES ON TIME. -
They should paint highway road signs on the carpet and walls to try and make it less crowded lowkey
Dude, I love my mom dearly but…idk.
Rant topic : Let me go please.
Okay so, I have this opportunity in one of my classes. And hear this. THIS IS ONE OF A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY IN HIGH SCHOOL. I’m not done with my years in high school so I can’t do it next year because I’m graduating. but tell me why my mom told my aunts I don’t want to go anymore even tho I’ve been talking about this for months. i get its in another country but this will look so good on my college applications. i don’t get why she won’t let me do this. i want to be different from my siblings and have a scholarship in foreign languages. i already have my plans for the future and im not holding them back js because SHE says so. i love my mom dearly like ofc i do, but lately shes been effy. i have eyes looking at a goal but she won’t make time for me about that goal. i need TONS of things from her like rides, my private information, but she does not provide them. it makes me mad. she doesnt make time for me but the person that done me wrong. i have a job still and she takes some of the little money i have. i also interviewed for another position at my old job but she told me im not gonna get it. thx mom for the clarification!! sometimes i hate u but i have to love u for reasons! i js hate my family problems rn. my family talks down on her and ik why now. -
A little update in life yk,
Rant topic : “court”
so i did have court last week and it went well! he actually went to jail! but im slowly tryna heal myself up from the trauma… -
I'm glad that it worked out and he went to jail
Thx!! Watch me crash out…
Rant topic : CRASHING TF OUT
My phone got taken away cuz I forgot to ask for PERMISSION AND IM ABT TO TWEAK CUZ MY COUSIN WON’T STOP CRYING. Im gonna f---ing tweak everything is making me mad rn.
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