Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
Maybe it's just because I'm tired.
Weird dreams about driving again.
do you ever read into the symbolism of dreams, sometimes i do. sorry if this is really random
Sometomes i do. I'm hoping it doesn't mean that I'll always be bad at driving. If I don't wreck, I usually end up driving all over the curbs.
i’ve read dreams about driving often symbolize your direction in life/transformation and/or control over your personal relationships
and i’ve hit curbs more than a few times so you’re not alone, we’ll learn eventually
So I'm spiraling since I wreck a lot? Cool. 🙃
shoot i don’t mean it in any bad any but i kinda view it like horoscopes, interesting but apply it when you want. dreams and stars don’t define your life
I think maybe it's just what the dream is at face value. I need to learn how to drive, but I'm scared.
I need to try to go back to sleep. I have work in the morning...
okay. I hope you have a good sleep
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