"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
TW: mention of abvse.
i'm so f---ing sick of it at this point, like, no joke? i'm f---ing sick of it. and idk who the hell to believe! is shubble lying to our faces, at least to some extent? is this some ploy for wilbur to make us think he's innocent?? god i- i'm so sick of it, but i can't ignore it bc it's kinda all in my face, ig? and i do want to know both sides and who really is innocent but this- this is getting out of hand, especially with the fans. and now i have to read a whole google doc someone made explaining why shubble lied abt being abvsed, at least to some extent??
i will post in a minute abt what i'm thinking after i read the google docs, and if anyone's even slightly interested in this, you can pop in and chat lol -
TW: mention of abuse/domestic violence, slight in depth details
so, i don't know who tf to believe on this situation. because shubble seemed to have a lot to say abt the whole abusive ex bf thing, but she just- kept talking about it, over and over. like, if i were her, i'd be like, i cannot talk abt this nor do i want to, bc i want to move on from it. and i don't know her as well as wilbur, but i definitely don't want to assume she's bulls---ting abt it and then be in the wrong and get hate for supporting wilbur, the supposed abusive ex. but on the other hand, will is someone who i've watched and looked up to, specifically relating to streaming and music related things, and it just- it doesn't seem like he would hurt someone, at least not intentionally? idk, you never truly know someone until their true colors show, but even his friends seemed to not want to actually bring up anything abt it. i just- f---in' hell, i hate this kind of stuff... -
i wanna talk abt my (non-existent) love life for a sec here,
so i have this friend, this one guy we'll call A. now, A and i have been friends like, since we were very, very young, since our parents are friends with his parents. so we've known each other for forever, right? he used to live a bit away from us, moving back and forth between where i live and where he used to live. then around covid time, he and his family moved down here. and we started to hang out, and i'd hang with him and his sister, who is one of my bsfs. and i started to develop feelings for him (or at least what i think are romantic feelings?) and i still like him now, but the problem is i'm pretty sure he only thinks of me as a friend, or as his sister. which is just f---ing great :')
then there's another guy, we'll call him H. he and i have only known each other for abt two yrs? but we didn't really start talking n hanging out until this yr. and i really like him, but i'm worried he'd be weirded out, not like me that way, etc. plus there's a grade difference, tho idk how old he is exactly (he may be the same age as me, since i'm young for the grade i'm in) and, idk, it'd probably be weird for me to ask out a guy who's a grade younger than me, especially someone i've only known for abt a yr
there was another guy i used to like, but- yeah, we don't talk abt him lmfaooo tbh kinda glad we never dated, he was goofy asf- i mean, i would still be his friend, maybe? but idk lol
anyways, that's my love life in a nutshell- i just l o v e being single :') -
i just need a hug. preferably from a guy who's tall and cute and likes me in a romantic way and-
guys, please, i need a bf :'( -
it hurts so bad. i want him so bad but he- he doesn't like me like that... i just- i really do think i like him, but idek for sure, especially when he only thinks of me as a friend or like i'm his sister. f--- ME, GAH-
i just- am i not good enough? am i not making it obvious? does he know and he's just weirded out?? like, please tell me and i can change. i can be better. i can be someone who is even semi able to be loved by another person-
am i just not worth it? or not worthy of having a bf? maybe i am, maybe i'm not, but i just- idk, it hurts so bad, mate...
i feel like such an idiot sometimes? i- i just, i can never remember to do my school work because as soon as i get home i basically just, completely forget abt it?
and i just- idk, i wish i could remember to do the important things, or just remember stuff in general.
i think if i took my meds it may help, but it makes me feel broken, i think. -
i need a man, please for the love of g o d :')
i hate feelings. so much :')
i wish i didn't have them, because i get so attached, and when i get attached i sort of get obsessed, and when i get obsessed, it just hurts so much when they leave or when i leave or they get pushed away or-
i'm just so tired, i have having feelings for people. especially having crushes on guys. because i think, when i fall, i fall hard. when i fall for a guy, he's all i think about, and it just- ugh, he's all i want and the only person i want to be with and i want him and i wanna hold him and love him with all my heart, but i just- i get denied any of that because either he doesn't like me or i just can't actually have that relationship with anyone...
f--- me... -
i have a question abt asexuality, actually- (i hope this doesn't sound weird or anything but i was hoping to get some insight on this bc it just popped into my head lol) asexuality is (in sort of a general explanation), when someone has little to no attraction to someone and wanting to have an intimate relationship with said person. but does that necessarily mean that they don't get, essentially, "turned on" by the idea of having an intimate relationship with someone? idk if this needs to be in a different area or posted on a different wiki page in general, just a thought i had and wanted some clarification :)
I’m not asexual (I don’t think anyways lol) but I think I can answer this. If anyone here is asexual and has a better explanation than go ahead lol
Asexuality is when (oh god trying not to word it so I get banned or anything) you have little to no attraction to someone in the PhYsiCaL way, or want to do tHaT (iykyk) but sexuality is a spectrum- some just don’t enjoy it and some have trauma or are absolutely repulsed by it. It’s not the same as aromantic (no romantic attraction) though, they can still have romantic attraction and feel love if they want. Does that make sense? If not I can see if I can word it better. -
(xD i gotchu lol)
yeah, i think that makes sense, ty for the info! i just had thought abt it and was wondering is all :) -
(Lmao thank god that would’ve been awkward)
No problem! -
bro my dog is giving me anxiety bc he's been having stomach issues lately, and when i went to give him pets this morning his stomach was making noises- i'm scared he's gonna barf in the house, like, i don't wanna clean that up ^^'
also i just feel bad for him, bc he's been feeling bad for a month or two now T^T
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