"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
god, school actually sucks ass. it fks with you, like- absolutely screws with your mental health. it's so messed up, the standards we and other ppl put on ourselves, whether it's expectations from parents, friends or teachers. it's so messed up. i think school systems need to be changed, like, majorly. for one fking thing, don't let kids VAPE AND HAVE S*X IN THE DAMN BATHROOMS- like, wtf?? i'm glad i never personally had to deal with that sht, but my friends have to. all they want is to go to the bathroom, but then there's like, 20 ppl in the bathroom having a fkin rave with strobe lights and vape clouds floating around the room like a damn smoke machine- and then there's probably some random couple in that one back stall having s*x. i'm just- disgusted. AND ANOTHER THING- teachers don't seem to realize that, not only do we have their classes, but we have like, SEVEN OTHERS???? like, holy sht, i get two huge assignments and a test all in one day and i'm like- wtaf??? i have adhd and i procrastinate! i'm not going to be able to get all my work done, and be able to study for a test!!!
i'm just- i'm so done with school, and yet i'll be in college soon. i pray to god it's better than hs, fkin hell. -
ugh, i feel like sht.
and why is my heart racing?
:'( -
ig it's probably just anxiety.
ofc i don't know why, and it's not like i'm diagnosed with it and can take meds for it. -
it's not as bad now, still feel weird.
i don't want to complain too much abt this, bc i'm trying to focus on more important things, but like, it really hurts when i see a guy i like, who i have a HUGE crush on, dancing with another girl. whether or not they're together at the dance as just friends or as a couple, it still hurts. and ik i probably shouldn't be saying anything bc i'm too scared to actually tell him i like him, but like, it's f---ing terrifying- i really am terrified, to one, actually tell him, and two, to find out if they were actually there as just friends or not. i think they were there as just friends, but you never know.
i need a hug-
i don't like falling in love, mainly for the reason that it never has worked out for me?
like, i've had a few crushes in my life, but i've always drifted away from the guy, or he likes someone else/already has a girlfriend, or only thinks of me as a friend or sister.
and it really hurts, bc i get so, essentially "obsessed" with them and the idea of being in a relationship with them, and i just-
i see some of my friends in happy, healthy relationships and it makes me feel kinda jealous, but more so just, left behind. like, i feel like i'm still in this "childhood" phase and all my friends are out dating n stuff.
i want a guy, but i also don't want my heart to get broken, or get stuck in an abusive and/or manipulative relationship.
god, why is this so fking hard?? -
TW: mention of SA and abuse.
god, i am sick of all the f---ing drama in the mcyt community. and just- the whole wilbur and shubble drama, then the gnf and caiti drama? i cannot. i f---ing cannot. idk who i believe on the caiti and gnf drama, but ofc i don't wanna say that caiti's lying bc she is the one claiming to have been SA'd? but i also have heard most of the sides (i need to fully listen to george's perspective) so idrk who i believe. but wilbur? f--- him. actually f--- him, i'm disgusted by that b----. he's a f---ing dick and an a--hole and i- GOD, am i revolted by him. shubble is such a cool person. i may not know her super well or anything, but she's such a cool person and she didn't deserve to be hurt by will and doesn't deserve all this stupid f---ing hate from stans.
rant of the day lol -
hey, idk if i can post here but i will leave if you want me to but
i also agree that all the drama is crazy and frankly annoying to keep hearing about it, and im not condoning any terrible things that wilbur, punz, or maybe even george have done, but im just gonna say this:
they are all still Gods children and although they don’t do anything to us, i think them doing these awful things i think just makes us need to pray for them even more 🤷♀️
again, i’m not saying anything they did was okay, but maybe just some food for thought -
hey, you're all good! i don't mind if you make posts here :)
sometimes i need someone to pull me out of my ruts lol
and i 100% agree. i do feel just the slightest bit bad that like, ppl who are not involved in the situation AT ALL, are like, "Oh gO fKiN kYs, bIsH-" because that in of itself is f---ed up, but still, i do not support their actions. and i do agree, we need to pray for them bc they are God's children and i do choose to believe they have some good in them.
idk if this came out right, just needed to put this out there lol -
ugh, i'm just so sick of the drama.
also, i'm starting to think that maybe caiti is making up s--- abt this?? idk- i definitely do not want to seem like i undermine SA victims, because i do not. i do not support anyone who commits acts like that nor do i support anyone who supports ppl who do that stuff. but like, i keep seeing info and it does feel like she's just making up garbage, and then twisting her story multiple times? and tbh, it does seem like george and dream are calling her out on her bulls--- and she's just- she keeps adding on and on to her story- idk man.
again, i take SA very seriously, because it's a heavy topic and a painful one, not only for me to talk abt but for anyone who has/knows someone who's been in a situation like that. i just really needed to be cleared up on this drama :') -
TW: mention of SA*
(a bit too late but i needed to add it anyway lmao)
anyways, i keep looking into it, and i'm honestly starting to think she's bulls---ting her way thru this just to either cause drama or for clout. idk for sure but still. -
TW: mention of SA
i do, again, wanna make this clear. i support and defend anyone who has been/is a SA victim, because no one should have to go thru smth as terrible as that. and yet it f---ing happens.
anyways, i srsly don't know if i can pick a side for this one? while i do know george more than i know caiti, bc i've never watched any of her content, idk what she's like, etc. idk who to believe yet. i do think i'm leaning more towards george's perspective, tho. -
TW: mention of SA
i'm srsly ngl, but like, i have a feeling she may be lying. and a lot of ppl think she is, or is at least bulls---ting and changing up her story. it's wild how someone could just, make up a story like this abt someone else, claiming they SA'd them. i do need to watch caiti's second stream, and fully watch george's stream so i can't really fully say what my opinion is yet, but yeah. it's just so dumb, why- why are ppl causing so much f---ing drama for no damn reason?
jesus, if this eclipse next monday is the end, i think the world needs it, tbh :') /j
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