"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Seniori'm literally on the verge of a f---ing nervous breakdown, holy s----
hey, what’s going on? are you okay?)
imsoclueless Seniornot really, i'm f---ing panicking-
so, for more info, last yr i went to a church camp and it was me, three of my friends, and a friend's friend in the group (plus a few other girls who were apart of another group who the friend of a friend shared a room with). and the friend of my friend, she's- not what you'd call a model christian, per say?
she says really out of pocket s---, and i didn't really love her?? but what made matters far, FAR worse was, she had brought her VAPE and a f---ING EDIBLE with her! TO A GODDAMN CHURCH CAMP- like, are you f---ING KIDDING ME??? are you TRYING to get us in trouble?!?! not even joking, i cried more times than i could count bc of it -
what tf??? why would you bring that to a church camp that’s… such a dumb idea what?
can i ask, why are you stressing if this was last year? or did it just happen?
imsoclueless SeniorLITERALLY-
and i'm pretty sure that she's going to be coming this year. so i have to deal with her out of pocket comments and the vape and possible edibles, AGAIN- i s--- you not, i was terrified for my life. i- i genuinely felt unsafe, and i never feel unsafe when i'm at something involving my church. like, i'm so pissed off that she thought it was a good idea to bring her VAPE to a CHURCH CAMP-
i'm genuinely gonna talk to my friends abt it and tell them that if they find out she brought it again, we're telling our leader. i will NOT deal with that s--- EVER AGAIN, i cannot- i'm like, literally on the verge of tear writing this. -
okay, i’m glad you’re telling a leader, especially since you feel unsafe with it
im so sorry that happened to you, i hate people who can’t read the room, and i feel bad for people who are addicted to stuff like that, yk?
but im so sorry that happened to you, girl, that is crazy that she even thought of bringing that stuff?? like i hope it gets better this year! -
imsoclueless Seniori seriously hope so, bc i absolutely love the church camp! it's changed my life for the better and it's great having smth to do over the summer and somewhere i can spend quality time with my friends.
but i just- i was seriously considering not going if my bsf wasn't going to be there. bc like, if that one girl does this s--- again, i'm getting her sent home, i'm not even joking.
it was just, too much for me and i just- i will not have my summer ruined, again. -
i totally get that. i also love church camp and usually go with the same 2 people, and im not going to one a my camps this year because theyre not going :(
but i totally agree with you, people are so annoying and disrespectful sometimes, and its worse when they completely ruin whatever you’re at -
imsoclueless Seniorliterally. like, i was basically on the verge of a mental breakdown whenever i was in a room semi-alone with her. AND- i had went to a room with her and some other girls at our church and her VAPE was just SITTING THERE, on it's f---ING CHARGER- just IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM- like, wtaf?!?!
i'm so glad my bsf will be there, to act as a barrier for me :') -
imsoclueless Seniori kind of want to ask my guy bsf (the one i'm like, basically in love with) if he wants to come see my show-
he didn't see my show last yr and idk how much he could tolerate a musical, but i'd love for him to come~ -
OOO you should
imsoclueless Seniori want to, but idk, i feel like he may think it's weird if i ask- ^^'
hmmmm maybe you could ask your bag since it’s her brother to ask him?
at least i think it is lol i don’t remember sorry
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