"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Seniorbut recently,
everyone says they are seeing less of me.
i could do better if i had energy,
be like i used to be.
and frequently,
i picture myself walking straight into the sea.
laughing as the waves come rolling to my knees,
what a place to be.
if you couldn't tell, i love this song- lol -
imsoclueless Senior
smth pretty to make me feel happy :) -
imsoclueless Senior
preachin' facts lmfaoo -
imsoclueless Seniorwas reminded of a pretty s---ty and kind of traumatic memory, i- i may make a post abt it.
may have to wait until this evening, it may be a long post. -
imsoclueless Seniorbeen almost a year since it happened. still scary to think about it...
imsoclueless Seniori kind of really, desperately want to work up the courage to ask this guy ik (bsf's brother that i'm also bsfs with) if he liked me- and if he remembers holding hands-
AND IT HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE- i think, from what i'm getting from my old vent threads lol
bc i still really f---ing like him and i really need to know if he did like me at one point :') -
imsoclueless Seniori think i will make a post abt the thing, but a bit later.
imsoclueless Seniori think i really need to get it off my chest, but i don't want to cry again...
imsoclueless Seniorig i should, but i'll wait until the 15th post, i think-
imsoclueless Senioror, maybe not-
imsoclueless Seniori think i'm just gonna do it. may as well rip the bandage off.
may be a very long post, and semi-descriptive, so if you're sensitive to mentions of blood/head injuries, i wouldn't recommend reading- -
imsoclueless Seniornever mind, i lied,
i'll do it tomorrow. -
imsoclueless Seniori cried while reading heartstopper, i have literally no life guys-
imsoclueless Seniori think i'll post it now, maybe.
may as well get it over with... -
imsoclueless Seniorso, here it is.
TW: depictions/descriptions of blood/head injuries, unconscious people, uhh, idk what other triggers there may be-
i'm gonna tell this in sort of a story-telling type way, may make things easier.
so, last year, i think maybe possibly june 1st, my sister (we'll call her jane for the sake of the story (not her real name, guys lmao)) got a concussion. it was the day after both my sisters got out of school, and she got a concussion. i woke up that morning, thinking, really nothing was going on that day. boy was i wrong. so, i'm sat on the couch, watching tv, when all of a sudden i hear my mom outside, yelling for my dad. i reluctantly get up from the couch to go see what's going on (my dad was literally by the back door but he had his gamer headphone on bc he's sUcH a GaMeR-) and i open the back door to see my mom on the ground, crouched over my sister jane, who's lying on the floor, unconscious, with blood pooling around her head. i thought i was going to die. i quickly turn to my dad and get him off his game, telling him what happened. he comes out and panics and my mom shouts at me, telling me to go grab towels. i nod and quickly rush upstairs to go grab towels when my other sister (we'll call her jude) comes out of the room, asking what's going on. i tell her jane had literally just fell and hit her head, and rushed to grab towels from the closet outside the hallway. i quickly run back and bring the towels to my mom, who puts them under jane's head. my dad's gone because he ran down the street to tell the police what happened (bc i believe there was some sort of festival going on, where cops were there so he figured it would be quickest). and i was inside, trying not do die from fear. i- i don't think i had ever cried that much in my f---ing life. i was terrified, guys. i was hyperventilating for forever, until my sister jude was finally able to calm me down. very soon after my dad got to the cops and told them, an ambulance came, assessed jane and said that she was going to be okay. that she did have a concussion, but it was in the best place she could've possibly gotten it. so no brain damage or anything. i was still terrified. my dad went to the hospital with jane in the ambulance and my mom followed in the car, after packing an extra pair of clothes for her. i was so shaken up after that, though- i couldn't look at jane without just, being so scared something would happen to her again.
but thankfully, oh so very thankfully, the Lord protected her and my family, and she's doing amazing now! i'm so glad she was okay, i- i genuinely don't know what i would do without her. as much as i may fight with my sisters, i would be nothing without them. i love them sm, and i would- idek what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life.
so there's my trauma, hbu? /j
i just, really needed to get that off my chest, hopefully it won't hurt so much to remember it.
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